I 28.27:8751
Selected silicate minerals and their asbestiform varieties : mineralogical definition sand identification-characterization / |
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I 28.27:8752
Metal mine fire protection research : proceedings, Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminar, Tucson, Ariz., March 18, 1977 / |
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I 28.27:8753
Respirable dust control : proceedings, Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 21, 1976 and St. Louis Mo., September 23, 1976 / |
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I 28.27:8754
Noise dosimeter performance : second evaluation / |
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I 28.27:8755
Design guide for metal and nonmetal tailing disposal / |
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I 28.27:8756
Laboratory studies on spontaneous heating of coal : a summary of information in the literature / |
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I 28.27:8757
Comparative shortwall and room-and-pillar mining costs / |
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I 28.27:8758
Design of surface mine haulage roads : a manual / |
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I 28.27:8759
The U.S. foundry coke industry / |
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I 28.27:8760
Anthracite in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Massachusetts / |
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I 28.27:8761
Preliminary economics of mining a thick coal seam by dragline, shovel-truck, and scraper mining systems / |
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I 28.27:8762
Correlating microfilm mine maps with topographic maps / |
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I 28.27:8763
Barite : a statistical summary / |
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I 28.27:8764
Transducer preparation and gage assembly of the Bureau of Mines three-component borehole deformation gage / |
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I 28.27:8765
Projects to expand fuel sources in Eastern States ; an update of information circular 8725 : survey of planned or proposed coal mines and noncoal conversion plants, electric generating plants, oil refineries, uranium enrichment facilities, and related infrastructure, in States east of the Mississippi River (as of July 1977) / |
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I 28.27:8766
Simulation of man's respiratory and metabolic functions by the automated breathing metabolic simulator / |
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I 28.27:8767
Guide for the construction of driven-rod ground beds / |
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I 28.27:8768
Coal mine fire and explosion prevention : proceedings, Bureau of Mines Technology Transfer Seminars, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 2, 1978, and Denver, Colo., March 14, 1978 / |
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I 28.27:8769
Well construction information for in situ uranium leaching / |
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I 28.27:8770
Processing gold ores using heap leach-carbon adsorption methods / |
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