Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 28.3:467 An index of shale-oil patents / 1
I 28.3:467-468 An index of oil-shale patents. 1
I 28.3:468 An index of oil-shale patents. 1
I 28.3:469 The national fuel efficiency program during the war years, 1943-45 / 1
I 28.3:469-480 The national fuel efficiency program during the war years, 1943-45 / 1
I 28.3:470 Safety practices in dredging and hydraulic mining / 1
I 28.3:471 Analyses of Complex Mixtures of Gas, Application to Control and Extinguish Fires and to Prevent Explosions in Mines, Tunnels, and Hazardous Industrial Areas.
Analyses of complex mixtures of gases : application to control and extinguish fires and to prevent explosions in mines, tunnels and hazardous industrial processes /
I28.3..471 Analyses of Complex Mixtures of Gas, Application to Control and Extinguish Fires and to Prevent Explosions in Mines, Tunnels, and Hazardous Industrial Areas. 1
I 28.3:472 Safety and performance characteristics of liquid-oxygen explosives / 1
I 28.3:473 Information on the prevention of quarry accidents / 1
I 28.3:474 Coals of Chile / 1
I 28.3:475 Burning Washington coals on different types of domestic stokers in the same hot-water boiler : comparison with hand and oil firing / 1
I 28.3:476 Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy. 1
I 28.3:477 Contributions to the data on theoretical metallurgy. Entropies of inorganic substances : revision (1948) of data and methods of calculation / 1
I 28.3:478 Review of literature on dusts / 1
I 28.3:479 Iron blast-furnace slag production, processing, properties, and uses / 1
I 28.3:480 Comparison of BM-AGA and slot-oven experimental methods of carbonization : with results for eleven coals / 1
I 28.3:481 Safety in the mining industry / 1
I 28.3:481-494 Proceedings : fifth International Conference of Directors of Mine Safety Research /
Buried valley of the Susquehanna River : anthracite region of Pennsylvania /
I 28.3:482 American lignites : geological occurrence, petrographic composition and extractable waxes / 1