I 49.109:95-P009
Geospatial application. |
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I 49.110:B 53
Galveston Bay water birds : paradise for birds and birders. |
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I 49.110:C 49
Circulation, salinity and freshwater inflows : life support systems for Galveston Bay. |
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I 49.110:D 68
Bottlenose dolphins of Galveston Bay : at the top of the bay's food web. |
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I 49.110:EN 2
Threatened and endangered species of Galveston Bay : managing for the future. |
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I 49.110:F 49
Galveston Bay finfish : diversity beneath the waves. |
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I 49.110:G 13
Galveston Bay : what's it worth to you? : the economic value of improving the environmental quality of Galveston Bay. |
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I 49.110:OY 8
Galveston Bay oysters : the bay's water filtration system. |
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I 49.110:SE 2
Galveston Bay sediments : more than mud. |
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I 49.110:SH 8
Galveston Bay shrimp and crabs : big links in the bay's food chain. |
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I 49.110:W 29
Water quality in Galveston Bay : sustaining multiple resources and multiple uses. |
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I 49.110:W 53
Wetlands of the Galveston Bay system : anchoring the bay's food chain. |
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I 49.110:W 64
Wildlife watching around Galveston Bay : enjoying the bay's diversity. |
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I 49.111:5
In the shadow of Fox Peak an ethnography of the Cattail-eater Northern Paiute people of Stillwater Marsh / |
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I 49.111:10
Headquarters Site : an archaeological and stratigraphic assessment of HA403 / |
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I 49.111:11
An archaeological and stratigraphic assessment of the Stubblefield Lookout Tower Site (35Ha53), Malheur National Wildlife Refuge / |
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I 49.111:12
Formation processes and chronology of dune islands at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Harney County, Oregon / |
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I 49.111:14
The archaeology of Petroglyph Lake : landscapes, publics past, and publics present / |
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I 49.111:15
Cathlapotle and its inhabitants, 1792-1860 : a report prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1 / |
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I 49.111:R 278
Draft final recovery goals for razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) of the Colorado River Basin a supplement and amendment to the razorback sucker recovery plan / |
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