I 49.15/2:308
Survey of the United States shrimp industry / |
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I 49.15/2:312
North Pacific and Bering Sea oceanography, 1958 / |
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I 49.15/2:321
Herring spawning surveys in southeastern Alaska / |
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I 49.15/2:324
Blood types in Pacific salmon / |
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I 49.15/2:329
Use of fish pituitaries to induce spawning in channel catfish / |
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I 49.15/2:341
Microhematocrit as a tool in fishery research and management / |
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I 49.15/2:343
Manufacturing-plant food services as markets for fish and shellfish / |
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I 49.15/2:350
Effect of fishway slope on rate of passage of salmonids / |
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I 49.15/2:362
Main-stem and tributary sampling of red salmon scales for population studies / |
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I 49.15/2: 365
Study of food preference and rate of feeding of Japanese oyster drill, Ocinebra japonica (Dunker) |
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I 49.15/2: 371
Experimental harvest of the Stellar sea lion in Alaskan waters / |
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I 49.15/2: 379
Stomach content analysis of troll-caught king and coho salmon, southeastern Alaska, 1957-58 / |
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I 49.15/2: 383
Second survey of the occurrence of parasites and blemishes in Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus, May-June 1959 / |
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I 49.15/2: 402
Variations in the dissolved oxygen content of intragravel water in four spawning streams of southeastern Alaska / |
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I 49.15/2: 405
Interchange of stream and intragravel water in a salmon spawning riffle / |
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I 49.15/2: 407
Waterflow through a salmon spawning riffle in southeastern Alaska / |
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I 49.15/2: 408
Variability in pink salmon escapements estimated from surveys on foot / |
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I 49.15/2: 520
Bait shrimp (Penaeus duorarum) in Tampa Bay, Florida : biology, fishery economics,and changing habitat. |
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I 49.15/2: 534
Distribution and abundance of sardine and anchovy larvae in the California current region off California and Baja, California, 1951-64 : a summary / |
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I 49.15/2: 539
Tagging summary of American shad, Alosa sapidissima (Wilson) and striped bass, Roccus saxatilis (Walbaum), Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, Beaufort, N.C., 1950-65 / |
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