I 49.2:C 71
Wanted for the future : these native fishes of the Colorado River. |
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I 49.2:C 71/3/FINAL
Longitudinal variation in the trophic structure of the upper Colorado River : final report / |
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I 49.2:C 71/4
Importance of the '15-mile reach' to Colorado River populations of endangered Colorado pikeminnow and razorback sucker : final report / |
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I 49.2:C 71/5
Population status and trends of Colorado pikeminnow of the Upper Colorado River, 1991-2005 final report / |
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I 49.2:C 72/2
Columbia National Fisheries Research Laboratory. |
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I 49.2:C 73/2
National Outreach Strategy : a master plan for communicating in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / |
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I 49.2:C 73b
Botanical and faunal survey results and managment/conservation recommendations for Department of Commerce land in Boulder. |
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I 49.2:C 74/2
Importing queen conch : what you need to know. |
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I 49.2:C 75/2
California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) : recovery plan / |
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I 49.2:C 76/2/prelim
Preliminary survey of contaminant issues of concern on national wildlife refuges / |
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I 49.2:C 76/3
Questions & answers for construction inspectors. |
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I 49.2:C 76/4
A contaminant evaluation of interior least tern and piping plover eggs and chicks of the Missouri River, South Dakota / |
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I 49.2:C 76/5
Contaminant biomonitoring at the Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge in 1988 / by D.U. Palawski ... [et al.] |
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I 49.2:C 76/6
[The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) initiated an operational Contaminants Division in the mid 1960's] |
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I 49.2:C 76/7
Contaminants, water quality, and wildlife mortality on oil production sites in western South Dakota : interim report / |
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I 49.2:C 76/8
Conservation through the arts. |
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I 49.2:C 76/9
Fish and Wildlife Service spill response contingency plan. |
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I 49.2:C 76/10
Conservation officers killed and assaulted, 1990-1992. |
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I 49.2:C 76/11
Contracting and general services : home page, visit http://www.fws.gov/̃r9cgs/ / |
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I 49.2:C 76/12
Environmental contaminants program : looking out for wildlife / |
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