Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 49.2:Ea 3/4 Bald eagles in Alaska / 1
I 49.2:Ea 3/5 Management of wintering bald eagles / 1
I 49.2:EA 3/7 National Eagle Repository, Denver, Colorado / 1
I 49.2:EA 3/8 Post-delisting monitoring plan for the bald eagle (haliaeetus leucocephalus) in the contiguous 48 states / 1
I 49.2:Ea 3/975 The bald eagle, symbol of our nation. 1
I 49.2:EC 7 Ecological implications of geopressured-geothermal energy development, Texas-Louisiana Gulf coast region / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/3 Ecological characterization of the Sea Island coastal region of South Carolina and Georgia : directory of information sources / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/3/980 Ecological characterization of the Sea Island coastal region of South Carolina and Georgia / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/3/980/res Ecological characterization of the Sea Island coastal region of South Carolina and Georgia : resource atlas / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/4/v.1-3 An ecological characterization study of the Chenier Plain coastal ecosystem of Louisiana and Texas / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/5/v.- Mississippi deltaic plain region ecological characterization : a socioeconomic study / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/6 Proceedings of the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystems Workshop / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/7 Proceedings, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Workshop on Coastal Ecosystems of the Southeastern United States : a compilation of seminars, discussions, papers and biological summaries presented at Big Pine Key, Florida 18-22 February 1980 / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/8/v.1-5 An Ecological characterization of the Pacific Northwest coastal region / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/11 The ecology of New England high salt marshes : a community profile / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/12 The ecology of New England tidal flats : a community profile / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/13 The ecology of the mangroves of south Florida : a community profile / 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/14 Ecological studies on the ecosystem of the Bering Sea : preliminary observations obtained by a joint USSR-USA. expedition in the eastern Bering Sea and results of this initial scientific investigation during July-August, 1977 on the M/V Volna. 1
I 49.2:Ec 7/15 The National Ecology Center. 1
I 49.2:EC 7/16/993 National Ecology Research Center. 1