Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 49.2:St 3 The steel shot decision : what it means to birds and hunters. 1
I 49.2:ST 3/2  
I 49.2:ST 3/3 Southern steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, habitat suitability survey of the Santa Margarita River, San Mateo and San Onofre Creeks on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California 1
I 49.2:ST 3/4 Proportion of hatchery origin winter steelhead and broodstock collection in the Elwha River : 2019 / 1
I 49.2:ST 4 Steppingstones to diversity : a diversity strategy. 1
I 49.2:ST 4/2/DRAFT Draft, recovery plan for the Stephen's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi) / 1
I 49.2:ST 4/3 Steinacher Road decommissioning project and KRIS workstation final report. 1
I 49.2:St 5 Who were the ancient people of Stillwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada? / 1
I 49.2:ST 5/2 Who were the ancient people of Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada? / 1
I 49.2:ST 5/3 Proposed boundary revision for Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada : report to the United States Congress. 1
I 49.2:ST 6 Stockton Fish and Wildlife Office. 1
I 49.2:St 8/2/ Assessment of effect of altered stream flow characteristics on fish and wildlife / 1
I 49.2:St 8/3 Some effects of stream channelization on fish populations, macroinvertebrates, and fishing in Ohio and Indiana / 1
I 49.2:St 8/4/ Stream channel modification in Hawaii / 1
I 49.2:St 8/5 Stream classification, 1977 : proceedings of a workshop held at Pingree Park, Colorado, 10-13 October 1977 / 1
I 49.2:St 8/6 Effects of stream channelization on aquatic macroinvertebrates, Buena Vista Marsh, Portage County, Wisconsin / 1
I 49.2:St 8/7 Impact of stream alterations on riparian communities in southcentral Oklahoma / 1
I 49.2:St 8/8 Streamside areas--management dividends. 1
I 49.2:St 8/11 Striped bass. 1
I 49.2:ST 8/12 U.S. Fish & Wildlife service strategic plan : September 30, 1997-September 30, 2002 / 1