Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 49.30:60 Raccoons of North and middle America / 1
I 49.30:61 Fauna of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska Peninsula / 1
I 49.30:61-63 Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia / 1
I 49.30:62 Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia / 1
I 49.30:63 The trumpeter swan : its history, habits and population in the United States / 1
I 49.30:64 Pelage and surface topography of the northern fur seal. 1
I 49.30:65 Seven new white-winged doves from Mexico, Central America, and Southwestern United States / 1
I 49.30:66 Mammals of Maryland / 1
I 49.30:67 Natural history of the king rail / 1
I 49.30:68 The sea otter in the eastern Pacific Ocean / 1
I 49.30:69 Natural history of the Swainson's warbler / 1
I 49.30:70 The distribution and occurrence of the birds of Jackson County, Oregon, and surrounding areas / 1
I 49.30:71 The screech owl : its life history and population ecology in northern Ohio / 1
I 49.30:72 The California condor, 1966-76 : a look at its past and future / 1
I 49.30:73 Birds of the St. Croix River Valley, Minnesota and Wisconsin / 1
I 49.30:74 Ecology and biology of the Pacific walrus, odobenus rosmarus divergens illiger / 1
I 49.30:75 Mammals of the La Selva-Braulio Carrillo Complex, Costa Rica
Mammals of the La Selva-Braulio Carrillo Complex, Costa Rica /
I 49.30:76 Birds of the Kilbuck and Ahklun Mountain Region, Alaska 1
I 49.32: Propagation and distribution of food fishes /
Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in.
Statistical digest /
Fish and Wildlife Service statistical digest /
Fishery statistics of the United States /
I 49.32:1 Fishery Statistics of the United States, 1939. 2