Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 53.2:M 66/16/999 Abandoned mines are potential killers. 1
I 53.2:M 66/17 Abandoned mine lands a decade of progress reclaiming hardrock mines. 1
I 53.2:M 66/17/2013 Abandoned mine lands : a new legacy. 2
I 53.2:M 66/18/2015 Request to mining claimants on federal land : help eliminate hazards to birds and other wildlife. 1
I 53.2:M 66/20 Abandoned Mine Lands Program : feasibility study for AML inventory validation and physical safety closures. 1
I 53.2:M 66/22 Dangers at abandoned mines ... can kill you. 1
I 53.2:M 66/23 Abandoned mine land inventory study for BLM-managed lands in California, Nevada, and Utah : site and feature analysis. 1
I 53.2:M 66/25 Mining in the southern California deserts : a historic context statement and research design / 1
I 53.2:M 66/CD/2018 Location and validity of mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites in California /
Location and validity of mining claims, mill sites, and tunnel sites in California
I 53.2:M 69 O Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument. 1
I 53.2:M 69 O/2 Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument 1
I 53.2:M 69 O/2005 Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument : public lands USA, use, share, appreciate. 1
I 53.2:M 71 Moab District : 1990 summary of programs. 1
I 53.2:M 71/2 Wilderness study areas management and use : Moab/Canyon Rims Area. 1
I 53.2:M 71/3 Record of decision and approved resource management plan 1
I 53.2:M 72/2 Protect wildlife: Mojave desert tortoise : responsible recreation. 1
I 53.2:M 73/2 Molalla River Recreation Corridor. 1
I 53.2:M 74 Monitoring system : Tuledad/Home camp. 1
I 53.2:M 76 Montana initial wilderness inventory : final decision. 1
I 53.2:M 76/2 Final decision : Montana wilderness inventory, Miles City and Lewistown Bureau of Land Management Districts. 1