I 53.20:279
Prairie dog bibliography / |
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I 53.20:281
Nesting ecology of golden eagles in Elko County, Nevada / |
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I 53.20:283
Techniques for conducting stream habitat surveys on national resource land / |
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I 53.20:287
The Use of aerial photographs / |
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I 53.20:294
Wild, free-roaming horses : status of present knowledge / |
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I 53.20:295
Wild, free-roaming horses : an annotated bibliography / |
1 |
I 53.20:296
Wild, free-roaming burros : status of present knowledge / |
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I 53.20:297
Wild, free-roaming burros : an annotated bibliography / |
1 |
I 53.20:301
Distribution of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians by BLM -physiographic regions and A.W. Kuchler's associations for the eleven western states / |
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I 53.20:306
Selected bibliography of certain vertebrate techniques / |
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I 53.20:307
Inventory techniques for sampling avian populations / |
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I 53.20:309
An economic analysis series for screening proposed timber management projects / |
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I 53.20:310
Ecological characteristics of pinyon-juniper woodlands on the Colorado Plateau : a literature survey / |
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I 53.20:324
Prescribed burning of the sagebrush and pinyon-juniper communities : a selected bibliography / |
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I 53.20:325
The use of large scale color infrared photography for stream habitat and riparian vegitation inventory / |
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I 53.20:330
Habitat requirements and management recommendations for sage grouse / |
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I 53.20:331
Sampling theory, examples, and rationale / |
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I 53.20:335
The accipiters : goshawk, cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk / |
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I 53.20:336
Mule deer habitat guides / |
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I 53.20:337
Hydrologic risk and return period selection for water related projects / |
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