Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 53.20:443 Enhancement of degraded shrub-steppe habitats with an emphasis on potential applicability in eastern Washington / 1
I 53.20:444 Regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone 1
I 53.20:445 AIM-monitoring : a component of the BLM assessment, inventory, and monitoring strategy / 1
I 53.20:446 The use of color for camouflage concealment of facilities. 1
I 53.20:447 Gray clay (Malpass clay) in the west Eugene Wetlands and the Willamette Valley is weathered and redeposited ash from Mount Mazama / Karin E. Baitis, Gregory J. Retallack, Michael E. James. 1
I 53.20:448 An overview of data collection and analysis methods for calculating the volume of mine materials / 1
I 53.20:449 Annotated checklist of freshwater truncatelloidean gastropods of the western United States, with an illustrated key to the genera / 1
I 53.20:451 Fuels guide for sagebrush and pinyon-juniper treatments : 10 years post-treatment / 1
I 53.20:452 Application of the threat-based model framework in the BLM land health assessment and evaluation process in Oregon / 1
I 53.20:453 Guide to using AIM and LMF data in land health evaluations and authorizations of permitted uses / 1
I 53.20:454 Ground-based image collection and analysis for vegetation monitoring / 1
I 53.20:455 Applying and interpreting Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) data at the field office level : an example / 1
I 53.20:OR-936-01 Problem analysis for the Vegetation Diversity Project a research and demonstration program to restore and maintain native plant diversity on deteriorated rangelands of the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau / 1
I 53.21:  
I 53.21:(date/nos.)  
I 53.22: Cultural resources series. 1
I 53.22:1 Stabilization of the Lowry Ruins / 1
I 53.22:2 An isolated empire : a history of northwest Colorado / 1
I 53.22/2:1 A stratified random sample of the cultural resources in the canyonlands section of the Moab District of the Bureau of Land Management in eastern Utah / 1
I 53.22/2:2 The pony express stations of Utah in historical perspective / 2