Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 53.59:P 65/3 Final environmental impact statement for the Pinedale Anticline Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Project, Sublette County, Wyoming 1
I 53.59:P 65/4/DRAFT Draft environmental impact statement for the Pinedale resource management plan for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management Pinedale Field Office / 1
I 53.59:P 65/4/FINAL Proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Pinedale Field Office, Pinedale, Wyoming / 1
I 53.59:P 65/4/RECORD Record of decision and approved Pinedale resource management plan for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Pinedale Field Office, Pinedale, Wyoming / 1
I 53.59:P 65/5 Record of decision and approved Pinedale resource management plan for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Pinedale Field Office, Pinedale, Wyoming 1
I 53.59:P 65/DRAFT Pinedale anticline oil and gas exploration and development project draft environmental impact statement technical report / 1
I 53.59:P 68/DRAFT Draft environmental impact statement for the Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mining Company coal exchange proposal (WYW148816) 1
I 53.59:P 68/FINAL Final environmental impact statement for the Pittsburg and Midway Coal Mining Company coal exchange proposal 1
I 53.59:P 75 Proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement / 1
I 53.59:P 82 Record of decision, environmental impact statement for the South Porcupine coal lease application 1
I 53.59:P 87/2/DRAFT/ Draft environmental impact statement and draft planning amendment for the Powder River Basin oil and gas project 1
I 53.59:P 87/2/FINAL/V.1.3-4 Final environmental impact statement and proposed plan amendment for the Powder River Basin oil and gas project (WY-070-02-065) / 1
I 53.59:P 87/2/FINAL/V.2 Final environmental impact statement and proposed plan amendment for the Powder River Basin oil and gas project (WY-070-02-065) / 1
I 53.59:P 87/3 Record of decision and resource management plan amendments for the Powder River Basin oil and gas project (WY-070-02-065) 1
I 53.59:P 87/FINAL Final environmental impact statement for the Powder River coal lease application (federal coal lease application WYW136142) and the Thundercloud coal lease application (federal coal lease application 136458) 1
I 53.59:P 91 Prehistoric Trackways National Monument proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement. 1
I 53.59:P 93/ The Price Field Office proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement 1
I 53.59:P 96/DRAFT Proposed revisions to grazing regulations for the public lands draft environmental impact statement / 1
I 53.59:P 96/FINAL Proposed revisions to grazing regulations for the public lands final environmental impact statement FES 04-39 / 1
I 53.59:R 19/2/FINAL Proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement for public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, Rawlins Field Office, Rawlins, Wyoming 1