Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 63.2: C 73i Compilation of interim reports on projects for the production of pipeline quality gas from coal. 1
I 63.2: C37 966-70 Char oil energy development : interim report / 1
I 63.2: D 45 Phase-2 Combined desalination and power generation using coal energy / 1
I 63.2:EN 2 Clean energy from coal technology. 1
I 63.2: F 98m Future market for utility coal in New England : report to Office of Coal Research, United States Department of the Interior / 1
I 63.2: G 21/3/965 Process design and cost estimate for production of 265 million scf/day of pipeline gas by the hydrogasification of bituminous coal / 1
I 63.2:G 21/3-966 Process design and cost estimate for production of 266 million SCF/day of pipeline gas by the hydrogasification of bituminous coal : hydrogen by the steam-iron process / 1
I 63.2: G 21 v.1 Gas generator research and development : survey and evaluation, phase one. 1
I 63.2: G21 v.2 Gas generator research and development : survey and evaluation, phase one / 1
I 63.2:H 99p Hydrogenation of pulverized coal in a plasma jet / 1
I 63.2:K 57s Kinetic studies of thermal dissolution of high volatile bituminous coal : interim report / 1
I 63.2:L 95s Low sulfur boiler fuel using the Consol CO₂ acceptor process : a feasibility study / 1
I 63.2: P 84 v.1-2 The potential market for far western coal and lignite : report to the United States Department of the Interior, Office of Coal Research / 1
I 63.2:P 94 Guidelines for unsolicited proposals. 1
I 63.2: P94w Project Western Coal : 1967 interim reports / 1
I-64 Photogeologic map of the Bluff-1 quadrangle, San Juan County, Utah / 1
I 64.10:73-1 Worldwide crude oil prices : third report. 1
I 64.10:P 3-6-72 Worldwide crude oil prices : second report. 1
I 64.2:Em 3 What is the Emergency Petroleum and Gas Administration? 1
I-65 Photogeologic map of the Clay Hills-11 quadrangle, San Juan County, Utah / 1