Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 72.12/11:2015-032/DRAFT Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sale, 2016 : Western Planning Area lease sale 248 : draft supplemental environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2015-033 Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales : 2016 and 2017 : Central Planning Area lease sales 241 and 247, Eastern Planning Area lease sale 226 : final supplemental environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2016-005/FINAL Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sale, 2016 : western planning area lease sale 248 : final supplemental environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2016-006/DRAFT Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sale, 2017 : central planning area lease sale 247 ; draft supplemental environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2016-018/VOL.1-2/DRAFT Gulf of Mexico OCS oil and gas lease sales: 2017-2022 : Gulf of Mexico lease sales 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 259, and 261 : draft environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2016-049/DRAFT Gulf of Mexico OCS proposed geological and geophysical activities : western, central, and eastern planning areas : draft programmatic environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2016-060/V.1-2 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program: 2017-2022 : final programmatic environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2017-009 Gulf of Mexico OCS, oil and gas lease sales, 2017-2022, Gulf of Mexico lease sales 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 259, and 261 : final multisale environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2017-013 Gulf of Mexico OCS lease sale, draft supplemental environmental impact statement 2018 / 1
I 72.12/11:2017-051 Gulf of Mexico OCS proposed geological and geophysical activities : western, central, and eastern planning areas : final programmatic environmental impact statement / 1
I 72.12/11:2017-074 Gulf of Mexico OCS lease sale, final supplemental environmental impact statement 2018 / 1
I 72.12/12: OCS activities report
OCS activities report /
I 72.12:92-0026  
I 72.12:97018375 Proposed final outer continental shelf oil and gas leasing program, 1997 to 2002 : decision document. 1
I 72.12:F 53/Gulf Fishing offshore platforms central Gulf of Mexico : an analysis of recreational and commercial fishing use at 164 major offshore petroleum structures / 1
I 72.13: Mineral revenues : the ... report on receipts from Federal and Indian leases.
Mineral revenues the ... report on receipts from Federal and Indian leases.
Mineral revenues report on receipts from Federal and Indian leases.
I 72.14: Offshore scientific & technical publications. 1
I 72.14/2: Minerals Management Service catalog of publications.
Offshore scientific & technical publications.
Minerals Management Service catalog of publications
I 72.14/3: Offshore publications. 1
I 72.16:Al 1 s Alaska OCS Region lease sale stipulations 1