I 72.12/2:2015-026
Baseline bioacoustic characterization for offshore renewable energy development in the North Carolina and Georgia wind planning areas / |
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I 72.12/2:2015-034
Chukchi offshore monitoring in drilling area (COMIDA): factors affecting the distribution and relative abundance of endangered whales and other marine mammals in the Chukchi Sea : final report of the Chukchi Sea acoustics, oceanography, and zooplankton study / |
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I 72.12/2:2015-051
Biomass and mass-balance isotope content and of seep populations on the upper slope Gulf of Mexico, determined from archived samples / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-019
Pressure wave and acoustic properties generated by the explosive removal of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-020
An analysis of the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico seafood industry / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-021
Exploration and research of northern Gulf of Mexico deepwater natural and artificial hard-bottom habitats with emphasis on coral communities : reefs, rigs, and wrecks, Lophelia II / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-022
Exploration and research of northern Gulf of Mexico deepwater natural and artificial hard-bottom habitats with emphasis on coral communities : reefs, rigs, and wrecks, Lophelia II / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-039
Modeling at-sea occurrence and abundance of marine birds to support Atlantic marine renewable energy planning : phase I report / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-051/FINAL
Testing the use of unmanned aircraft systems for intertidal surveys / Dr. Brenda Konar, Dr. Katrin Iken; Coastal Marine Institute. |
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I 72.12/2:2016-058
Optimization of non-voucher Gulf of Mexico specimen archives : a cooperative effort with the U.S. National Museum of Natural History / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-064/FINAL
Sensitivity to hydrocarbons and baselines of exposure in marine birds on the Chukchi and Beaufort seas / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-066/FINAL
Distribution and habitat use of fish in the nearshore ecosystem in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-072
MAG-Plan GOM 2016 economic impact model for the Gulf of Mexico / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-075/FINAL
Sea level measurements along the Alaskan Chukchi and Beaufort coasts / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-076/FINAL
Arctic air quality impact assessment modeling study: final photochemical modeling report / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-078/FINAL
Evaluating Chukchi Sea trace metals and hydrocarbons in the Yukon River Delta, Alaska / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-079/FINAL
Distribution and abundance of select trace metals in Chukchi and Beaufort Sea ice / |
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I 72.12/2:2016-081
Deep circulation in the Gulf of Mexico : a Lagrangian study / |
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I 72.12/2:2017-004
Seabird distribution and abundance in the offshore environment, final report / |
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I 72.12/2:2017-011
Seasonality of seabird distribution in Lower Cook Inlet : final repport / |
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