I 72.12/2:89-0049
Mercury in the Marine Environment : workshop proceedings, 29 November to 1 December 1988, Sheraton Anchorage Hotel, Anchorage, Alaska / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0051/V.1
Pipelines, navigation channels, and facilities in sensitive coastal habitats : coastal Gulf of Mexico / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0052/V.2
Pipelines, navigation channels, and facilities in sensitive coastal habitats : coastal Gulf of Mexico / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0062
Proceedings, spring ternary Gulf of Mexico Studies Meeting : March 1989 : Minerals Management Service, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 21, 1989 / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0068
Gulf of Mexico Physical Oceanography Program : final report, year 5 / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0077
I 72.12/2:89-0078
North Slope subsistence study Wainwright, 1988 / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0080
Southwest Florida nearshore benthic habitat study : narrative report / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0083/V.-
A Demographic and employment analysis of selected Alaska rural communities : final technical report / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0083/v.1-3
I 72.12/2:89-0084
I 72.12/2:89-0093
Point Lay case study : final technical report / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0094
Point Lay biographies : final technical report / |
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I 72.12/2:89-0095
Mississippi-Alabama marine ecosystem study : annual report, year 2 / |
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I 72.12/2:90-0008
Gulf of Mexico circulation modeling study : annual progress report, years 3 and 4 / |
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I 72.12/2:90-0009
Sea turtles and marine mammals of the Gulf of Mexico : Proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 1-3, 1989 / |
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I 72.12/2:90-0017
I 72.12/2:90-0018
Northern Gulf of Mexico Environmental Studies Planning Workshop : proceedings of a workshop held in New Orleans, August 15-17, 1989 / |
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I 72.12/2:90-0022
Northern institutional profile analysis : Chukchi Sea : final technical report / |
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I 72.12/2:90-0023
Northern institutional profile analysis : Beaufort Sea : final technical report / |
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