Call Number (LC) Title Results
I-1629 Controlled photomosaic of the Ismenius Lacus Southeast quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1630 Controlled photomosaic of the Sinus Sabaeus Southwest quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1631 Geologic map of the Manti 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangle, Carbon, Emery, Juab, San Pete and Sevier counties, Utah / 1
I-1632 Geologic map of the Craters of the Moon, Kings Bowl, and Wapi Lava Fields, and the Great Rift Volcanic Rift Zone, south-central Idaho / 1
I-1633 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe C quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1634 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe D quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1635 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe E quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1636 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe F quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1637 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe I quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1638 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe J quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1639 Bedrock geologic map of Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California / 1
I-1640 Geologic map of the Mare Boreum area of Mars 1
I-1641 Historic trail maps of the Raton and Springer 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangles, New Mexico and Colorado / 1
I-1642 Geologic map of the Rogers Pass area, Lewis and Clark County, Montana / 1
I-1643 Map showing distribution of altered rocks, faults, and linear features in the Walker Lake 1⁰x 2⁰quadrangle, Nevada and California / 1
I-1644 Geologic map of the Coconino Point and Grandview Point quadrangles, Coconino County, Arizona / 1
I-1645 Geology of the Birch Creek area, St. Lawrence County, New York / 1
I-1646 Shaded relief map of the Casius quadrangle of Mars / 1
I-1647 Controlled photomosaic of the Mare Australe A and B regions of Mars / 1
I-1648 Controlled photomosaic of part of the Maja Valles Region of Mars : MTM -05062 / 1