Call Number (LC) Title Results
I-712 Preliminary geologic map of the Nemo district, Black Hills, South Dakota / 1
I-713 Geologic map of the Tycho quadrangle of the Moon / 1
I-714 Geologic map of the Colombo quadrangle of the Moon / 1
I-715 Geologic and coal-bed map of Clarion County, Pennsylvania / 1
I 715.12: Ann/989 Annual report of labor market information. 1
I-716 Map showing echo-sounding survey (3.5 kHz) of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays, western Gulf of Maine / 1
I-717 Bedrock topography of east-central Iowa / 1
I-718 Geologic map of the Isla de Mona quadrangle, Puerto Rico / 1
I-719 Geologic map of the Wall quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada / 1
I-720 Geologic map of the Fracastorius quadrangle of the Moon / 1
I-721 Metallogenic map of Puerto Rico / 1
I-722 Geologic map of the Taruntius quadrangle of the Moon / 1
I-723 Geologic maps of the Apennine-Hadley region of the Moon : Apollo 15 pre-mission maps / 1
I-724 Metamorphic map of the Appalachians 1
I-725 Geologic map of the Aristoteles quadrangle of the Moon / 1
I-726 Geologic map of the west half of the Neihart 15-minute quadrangle, central Montana / 1
I-727 Reconnaissance geologic map of the Pendleton quadrangle, Oregon and Washington / 1
I-728 Geologic map of the Pritchards Station quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada / 1
I-729 Bedrock geologic map showing thickness of overlying Quaternary deposits, Lincoln quadrangle and part of Nebraska City quadrangle, Nebraska and Kansas / 1
I-730 Geologic block diagram and tectonic history of the Teton region, Wyoming-Idaho / 1