Call Number (LC) Title Results
I1.14-2.21 Training school for nurses, session of 1916-1917, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.22 Training school for nurses, session of 1917-1918, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.23 Training school for nurses, session of 1918-1919, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.24 Training school for nurses, session of 1919-1920, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.25 Training school for nurses, session of 1920-21, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.26 Training school for nurses, session of 1921-22, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.27 Training school for nurses, session of 1922-23, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.28 Training school for nurses, session of 1923-24, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.29 Training school for nurses, session of 1924-25, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.30 Training school for nurses, session of 1925-1926, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.31 Training school for nurses, session of 1926-27, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.32 School of nursing, 1927-28, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.33 School of nursing, 1928-29, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.34 Ninth annual announcement of St. Elizabeths Hospital school of nursing, 1931. 1
I1.14-2.35 Course of instruction in practical nursing procedure, as given in training school for nurses at St. Elizabeths Hospital, 1923. 1
I1.14-2.36 Report of committee to consider organization and needs of Government Hospital for the Insane to Secretary of Interior. 1
I1.14-2.37 Memorandum from St. Elizabeths Hospital regarding care and treatment of patients and fiduciary relation between hospital and patients, with copies of correspondence bearing on these matters. 1
I1.14-2.38 Information relative to positions in St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington, D.C. 1
I1.14-2.39 Training school for psychiatric aids, session of 1924-1925, announcement and calendar. 1
I1.14-2.40 Training school for psychiatric aids, session of 1925-1926, announcement and calendar. 1