Call Number (LC) Title Results
I2002a-24 Effort and failure to civilize aborigines Letter to Hon. N. G. Taylor, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, from Edward D. Neill, late Secretary Minnesota Historical Society. 1
I2002a-26 Letter of Hon. Geo. W. Manypenny, in regard to treatment of Indians 1
I2002a-27 Settlement between trustees of Ottawa University, Ottawa Indians of Blanchard's Fork and Roche de Boeuf, and Baptist Home Mission Society 1
I2002a-28 Open letter to Hon. John D. Long, Governor of Massachusetts, by Hon. Carl Schurz, Secretary of Interior 1
I2002a-29 Open letter in answer to speech of Hon. H. L. Dawes, U.S. Senate, on case of Big Snake, by Hon. Carl Schurz, Secretary of Interior 1
I2002a-30 Decision of Judge I. C. Parker on status of lands in Indian Territory 1
I2002a-31 [Rights of Indians to sell timber on allotted lands, U.S. Attorney General letter of opinion] 1
I2002a-32 [Treaties and legislation relating to Dakota Sioux Indians; correspondence, with data on funds requested and appropriated, 1879-1891] 1
I2002a-33 Klamath River Indian Reservation in California 1
I2002a-34 [Legality of contract to quarry stone on lands of Cherokee Outlet, with text of contract] 1
I2002a-35 [Food assistance to Dakota Sioux Indians, with data on funds requested and appropriated, and food delivered by commodity and reservation] 1
I2002a-37 Opinions, letters, and other documents relative to Cherokee Outlet, arranged chronologically 1
I2002a-38 [Determining boundary of Warm Springs Indian Reservation in Oregon, and negotiating purchase of portion of Colville Indian Reservation in Washington State, letter of instruction] 1
I2002a-39 [Negotiating removal of Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota from Devil's Lake Indian Reservation to White Earth Indian Reservation in Minnesota, letter of instruction] 1
I2002a-40 [Negotiating resettlement of Northern Cheyenne Indians of Montana and South Dakota on Crow reservation in Montana, letter of instruction] 1
I2002a-41 [Investigating land ownership, sales, and railroad rights-of-way on Puyallup Indian Reservation in Washington State, letter of instruction] 1
I2002a-42 Appraising property of settlers on Round Valley Indian Reservation in California, and selecting timber and grazing land, letter of instruction; with data on payments accepted byindividual settlers] 1
I2002a-43 [Establishing reservations for Mission Indians of California] 1
I2002a-44 [Negotiating purchase of portion of Colville Indian Reservation in Washington State, letter of instruction; with data on reservation population, by Indian band] 1
I-2003 Bedrock and engineering geologic maps of Bronx County and parts of New York and Queens counties, New York / 1