Call Number (LC) Title Results
I21.2-46 Bering River coal field showing leasing units, Government reservations, and topographic township plats, Alaska. 1
I21.2-47 Chippewa agricultural lands, Minnesota 1
I21.2-48 U.S. vs. George W. Dally and Henry Cottle, and Alfred Sully, transferee of Henry Cottle, intervener, involving Lander, Wyo., coal cash entry no. 18, serial 04085. 1
I21.2-49 Villa sites on waters of Flathead Lake, Mont. (near Glacier National Park), to be sold by U.S. Government. 1
I21.2-50 Information relative to Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota and Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian reservations in South Dakota. 1
I21.2-51 Opening Fort Berthold lands. 1
I21.2-52 Opening of lands in former Fort Niobrara military reservation in Nebraska, regulations of July 25, 1913, as amended Oct. 14, 1913, in conformity with President's proclamation of Sept. 30, 1913; and disposition of lands excluded from Nebraska National Forest, in Nebraska, by proclamation of President made and issued Sept. 30, 1913, regulations approved Oct. 4, 1913. 1
I21.2-53 Opening of lands in abandoned Fort Assinniboine military reservation, Mont. 1
I21.2-54 Town lots in townsite of Harding, Fla. (near Miami Beach, Fla.), to be sold at public auction by U.S. Government. 1
I21.2-55 Suggestions to homesteaders and persons desiring to make homestead entries. 1
I21.2-56 640-acre grazing homestead law. 1
I21.2-57 Opening of Indian reservations. 1
I21.2-58 Openings and sales of Indian lands. 1
I21.2-59 Index to circulars and publications of General Land Office. 1
I21.2-60 Index to circulars and regulations of General Land Office issued since Jan. 1930. 1
I21.2-61 Statement showing land grants made by Congress to aid in construction of railroads, wagon roads, canals, and internal improvements; together with data relative thereto. 1
I21.2-63 Historical sketch of "Louisiana" and Louisiana Purchase; with statement of other acquisitions. 1
I21.2-64 Matanuska coal field showing leasing units, Government reservations, and topographic township plats, Alaska. 1
I21.2-65 In re adjustment of lots. 1
I21.2-66 Topographic township plats embracing Nenana coal field, Alaska. 1