Call Number (LC) Title Results
IC 1ste.2:Em 7/3 Rules governing classification of steam railway employees and their compensation, effective July 15, 1915
Rules governing classification of steam railway employees and their compensation, effective July 15, 1915.
IC 1ste.2:Ex 7/5/915 Rules governing separation of operating expenses between freight service and passenger service on large steam railways, effective July 1, 1915
Rules governing separation of operating expenses between freight service and passenger service on large steam railways, effective July 1, 1915.
IC 1ste.2:Ex 7/5/920 Rules governing separation of operating expenses between freight service and passenger service on large steam railways, effective July 1, 1915
Rules governing separation of operating expenses between freight service and passenger service on large steam railways, effective July 1, 1915.
IC 1 Ste.2:Ex 7/5/936 Rules governing the separation of operating expenses, railway taxes, equipment rents, and joint facility rents between freight service and passenger service on large steam railways / 1
IC 1 ste. 2:F 88/2/ Freight revenue and value of commodities transported on Class I steam railways in the United States, calendar year ... / 1
IC 1 ste. 2:F 88/2/941  
IC 1ste.2:F 88/2/946 Freight revenue and wholesale value at destination of commodities transported on class 1 steam railways in the United States, calendar year 1946 and July-December 1946. 1
IC 1 ste.2:F 88/936 Fluctuations in railway freight traffic compared with production, class I steam railways. 1
IC 1 ste.2:F 88/940 Fluctuations in railway freight traffic compared with production. : Class I steam railways, 1928-1940. 1
IC 1 ste. 2:F 88/946 Fluctuations in railway freight traffic compared with production, class I steam raileays, 1928-1946. 1
IC 1 ste.2:L 69x/933 Alphabetical list of Class I steam railways in the United States, January 1, 1933 / 1
IC 1ste.2:Op 2/1 Rules pertaining to operating statistics of large steam railways, effective Jan. 1, 1920
Rules pertaining to operating statistics of large steam railways, effective Jan. 1, 1920.
IC 1ste.2:Op 2/1/921 Rules pertaining to operating statistics of large steam railways, effective Jan. 1, 1920
Rules pertaining to operating statistics of large steam railways, effective Jan. 1, 1920.
IC 1ste.2:Op 2/2 Operating revenues and expenses of large steam roads, by months, July 1914 to Dec. 1919
Operating revenues and expenses of large steam roads, by months, July 1914 to Dec. 1919.
IC 1ste.2:Op 2/2/920 Operating revenues and expenses of large steam roads, by months, July 1914 to Dec. 1919
Operating revenues and expenses of large steam roads, by months, July 1914 to Dec. 1919.
IC 1ste.2:P 26/1 Regulations to govern issuing and recording of passes of steam roads, as prescribed by Interstate Commerce Commission in accordance with Section 20 of Act to Regulate Commerce, first issue, effective Jan. 1, 1912
Regulations to govern issuing and recording of passes of steam roads, as prescribed by Interstate Commerce Commission in accordance with Section 20 of Act to Regulate Commerce, first issue, effective Jan. 1, 1912.
IC 1 ste.2:P 26/2 Early european experience with the railway passenger fare zone system. 1
IC 1 ste. 2:P 26/3/923-40 Seasonal variation in railway passenger revenue, and passenger miles, class I steam railways, by districts, 1923-1940. 1
IC 1 ste.2:P 96/923-941 Seasonal variation in Pullman Company berth revenue, seat revenue, and passenger miles, 1923-1941 ... October 1941. 1
IC 1 ste. 2:R 24/2/943 Receiverships and trusteeships, 1894-1942 : (with preliminary data to June 15, 1943) List of steam roads showing beginning and termination of receiverships or trusteeships. 1