Call Number (LC) Title Results
ICC-B_126_00001 Petition. 1
ICC-B_126_00002 Answer. 1
ICC-B_126_00003 Petitioner's Request for Findings of Fact and Brief. 1
ICC-B_126_00004 Defendant's Requested Findings of Fact, Objections to Petitioner's Requested Findings and Brief. 1
ICC-B_126_00005 Petitioner's Objections to Defendant's Requested Findings of Fact, Petitioner's Reply to Defendant's Objections to Petitioner's Requested Findings of Fact, and Petitioner's Reply to Defendant's Argument. 1
ICC-B_127_00001 Petition. 1
ICC-B_127_00002 Answer. 1
ICC-B_127_00003 Digest of Respondent's Exhibits. 1
ICC-B_128_00001 Petition Relating to Treaty of October 16, 1826. 1
ICC-B_128_00002 Answer. 1
ICC-B_128_00003 Petitioners' List and Digest of Exhibits. 1
ICC-B_129_00001 Petition. 1
ICC-B_130_00001 [Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief of Petitioners in Docket 130 for Royce Area 11; Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief of Petitioners in Docket 130 for Areas Outside Royce Area 11] 1
ICC-B_130_0001A Answer. 1
ICC-B_130_S00001 Continued Index-Digest of Exhibits of Plaintiff's in Dockets 29-C, 29, 29-D, 29-E, 29-G and 130. 1
ICC-B_131_00001 Complaint. 1
ICC-B_131_00002 Answer. 1
ICC-B_131_00003 Separate Brief of Petitioners in Docket No. 131. 1
ICC-B_131_00004 Defendant's Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief and Objections to Petitioners' Proposed Findings of Fact. 1
ICC-B_131_00005 [Defendant's Documentary Evidence; Digest of Defendant's Exhibits] 1