Call Number (LC) Title Results
ICC-B_226_00013 Plaintiffs' Motion for an Order Vacating Certain Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Opinion. 1
ICC-B_226_00014 Motion By Plaintiffs for an Order Vacating the Order of March 1, 1955 and Granting a Further Hearing Upon Counts II & IV. 1
ICC-B_226_00015 Defendant's Requested Findings of Fact, and Brief on Offsets. 1
ICC-B_226_00016 Amended Complaint. 1
ICC-B_226_00017 Amended Answer. 1
ICC-B_226_00018 [First Amended Motion for Leave to Intervene; Complaint in Intervention and Alternative Original Petition of the Alabama - Coushatta Tribes of Texas and the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana] 1
ICC-B_226_00019 First Amended Complaint in Intervention and Alternative Original Petition of the Alabama - Coushatta Tribes of Texas and the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana. 1
ICC-B_226_00020 [Motion for Leave to Intervene; Complaint in Intervention by the Second Applicants for Intervention and Alternative Original Petition of the Wichita Indian Tribe of Oklahoma and Bands and Groups of Indians which have been or Which are Affiliated with the Wichita Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, Including but Not Limited to the Wichita, Wacos, Keechis, and Towaconies] 1
ICC-B_226_00021 Reply of Defendant, the United States of America, to Motion to Intervene Filed By the Wichita Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, Et Al. 1
ICC-B_226_00022 Response of Plaintiff, Caddo Tribe, to Motion for Leave to Intervene Filed by the Wichita Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, and others. 1
ICC-B_226_00023 Motion for Extension of Time for Filing and Waiver of Rule for Filing Certain Items at Least 30 Days Prior to Trial. Etc. 1
ICC-B_226_00024 Motion for Leave to Intervene. 1
ICC-B_226_00025 Plaintiffs' Reply to First Intervenors Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Expert Witnesses Reports and Exhibits, Mailed February 25. 1972. 1
ICC-B_226_00026 Reply of Defendant to Motion of the First Intervenors for Extension of Time for Filing and Waiver of Rule for Filing Certain Items At Least 30 Days Prior to Trial. 1
ICC-B_226_00027 Response of the Wichita Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, and others, Second Intervenors, to Motion for Leave to Intervene Filed By Delaware Tribe of Indians of Western Oklahoma. 1
ICC-B_226_00028 Answer to Complaint in Intervention and Alternative Original Petition of the Tonkawa Tribe of Oklahoma, and others, Third Intervenors. 1
ICC-B_226_00029 First Intervenors' Requested Findings of Fact and Brief. 1
ICC-B_226_00030 Third Intervenors' Findings of Fact and Brief. 1
ICC-B_226_00031 Request for Findings of Fact and Brief of the Wichita Indian Tribe of Oklahoma, and others, Second Intervenors. 1
ICC-B_226_00032 Motion For Extension of Time. 1