Call Number (LC) Title Results
ICC-D_Vol18_142_0477 [Findings of Fact on Compromise Settlement; Opinion; Final Judgments in Docket Nos. 142, 359 through 363, Except the General Accounting Claim in Docket No. 363] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_142_0639 Order Amending Indian Claims Commission's Findings and Opinion Approving Compromise Settlement. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_167_0434 [Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_175_0001 [Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Interlocutory Order] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_177_0531 [Findings of Fact on Compromise Settlement; Stipulation for Entry of Final Judgment; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_181-A_0556 Order Allowing Attorney's Fee. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_198_0354 [Opinion of the Commission; Order Amending Findings of Fact and Interlocutory Order] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_219_0558 [Finding of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_220_0527 Order Allowing Attorneys' Fees to Attorneys for the Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_227_0366 Order Amended Opinion. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_227_0380 Order Amending Opinion. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_247_0428 [Per Curiam Opinion; Order Denying Motion for Summary Judgment] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_258_0640 [Findings of Fact on Compromise Settlement in Consolidated Docket Nos. 258 and 259; Stipulation of Settlement and for Entry of Final Judgment; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_266_0154 [Findings of the Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Interlocutory Order] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_279-A_0241 [Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Interlocutory Award to Petitioners; Interlocutory Award to Assiniboine Intervenors; Interlocutory Award to Sioux Intervenor] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_290_0433 Order Granting Motion to Dismiss. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_314-E_0463 [Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Order Admitting Petitioners' Exhibit Numbers 1, 2 and 3; Final Judgement] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_314-E_0529 Order Allowing Attorney Fees and Attorney's Reimbursable Expenses. 1
ICC-D_Vol18_316_0550 [Supplemental Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Final Award] 1
ICC-D_Vol18_331_0414 [Findings of Fact on Award of Attorney Fee; Order Allowing Attorney Fee] 1