Call Number (LC) Title Results
ICC-D_Vol8_92_0475 [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_154_0504 [Final Judgement; Findings of Fact as to Proposed Settlement of Claim; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_174_0195 [Final Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_175-A_0220 [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_175-A_0759 [Final Judgment; Additional Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Order Allowing Fees to Attorneys for the Nez Perce Tribe of Indians in Docket No. 175-A] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_180-A_0300 [Interlocutory Order; Additional Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Final Judgment; Order Allowing Attorney Fees] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_181_0420 [Final Judgment; Findings of Fact as to Proposed Compromise Settlement of Offsets, and Award of Attorneys' Fees; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_198_0557 [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_225_0392 [Order Allowing Attorney Fees and Expenses; Final Judgement or Final Determination; Findings of Fact in the Matter of the Request of the Plaintiffs and Defendant in the Above Entitled Docket Numbers 225-A, 225-B, 225-C, and 225-D for Approval of a Proposed Compromise Settlement Heretofore Filed with the Commission; Stipulation of Settlement; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_226_0354 [Additional Findings of Fact; Interlocutory Order; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_237_0436 [Interlocutory Order; Amended Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_243_0078 [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_264_0513 [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_303_0831 [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol8_319_111A [Interlocutory Order; Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol9_10_0000 Interlocutory Order Amending Findings of Fact and the Third Interlocutory Order of June 14, 1960. 1
ICC-D_Vol9_10_0082 [Third Interlocutory Order; Additional Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Order Amending Interlocutory Order of January 31, 1961; Amended Conclusions of Law And Final Award] 1
ICC-D_Vol9_10_0094 [Supplemental Opinion; Order Amending Findings of Fact] 1
ICC-D_Vol9_17_0067 [Order Allowing Reimbursable Expenses Incurred; Order Allowing Attorney Fees and Partial Allowance of Reimbursable Expenses Incurred; Opinion of the Commission] 1
ICC-D_Vol9_18-A_0315 [Order; Additional Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission; Amended Final Award; Order Amending Findings of Fact] 1