[Appraisal of the Mineral Resources in the Lands of the Sioux Nation in North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska, acquired under Treaty of April 26, 1868; Appraisal of the Black Hills Lands of the Sioux Nation in South Dakota] |
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[Mineral Value of the Sioux Lands in the Black Hills, South Dakota, 1877; Characteristics and Natural Resources of Lands in Wisconsin and Michigan; Appraisal of Emigrant New York lands in Illinois; Appraisal of Emigrant New York Lands in Northeastern Wisconsin and Northwestern Michigan] |
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Report of Harry H. Anderson. |
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Appraisal of Emigrant New York Lands in in Northeastern Wisconsin and Northwestern Michigan. |
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Appraisal Report : Sioux Lower Brule Reservation v. United States, Docket No. 78. |
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Appraisal of Lands in Kansas and Nebraska, Iowa Tribe, 1857. |
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Appraisal of Aboriginal Lands of The Coeur d'Alene Tribe of Northern Idaho. |
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[The Coeur D'Alene Country, 1805-1892: An Historical Sketch; A Valuation Study of the Mineral Resources of the Lands Ceded by the Coeur D'Alene Tribe of Indians on March 3, 1891; Indian Rights to the Subsoil Under Spanish and Mexican Law] |
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Appraisal of Sac and Fox lands in portions of Royce Area 50 in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, 1805. |
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History of Spanish land grants and Sac and Fox lands in Royce Area 50 in Missouri, 1805. |
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Soils and Soil Forming Factors in Sac and Fox Lands in Royce Area 50 in Illinois and Wisconsin. |
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Appraisal of Royce Area 50 in the states of Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin, ceded by the Sauk and Fox Nations of Indians,1805. |
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Geological Study of Sac and Fox Mineral Lands in Northwestern Illinois and Southwestern Wisconsin. |
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Soil and Related Physical Features of Part of Royce Area 50 in Missouri ceded by Sac and Fox Tribes under the treaty of November 3,1804. |
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[Anthropological Report on the Indian occupancy of Royce Area 50 in Wisconsin, Illinois and Missouri, ceded by the United Tribes of Sac and Fox under the treaty of November 3, 1804] |
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Appraisal of the Lands of the Northern Paiute Nation in Nevada and California, 1853-1863. |
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Appraisal of the Paviotso-Mono Tracts of the Northern Paiute Nation in Nevada and California, 1862-1863. |
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Appraisal of the Paviotso-Mono Tracts of the Northern Paiute Nation in Nevada and California, 1862-1863. |
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Mineral Valuation of Piute Lands in California and Nevada, 1853-1863. |
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An Evaluation study of the Mineral Resources in the Lands of the Northern Paiute Nation in California and Nevada, 1959. |
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