Call Number (LC) Title Results
ID 1.34/6:45 Fertility behavior in Armenia and Moldova : the decline during the Post-Soviet Transition and Current Preferences / 1
ID 1.34/6:46 Care and support for chronically ill people in Rwanda and Côte d'Ivoire : evidence from national household surveys / 1
ID 1.34/6:47 Comparison of HIV prevalence estimates from antenatal care surveillance and population-based surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
ID 1.34/6:48 Trends and determinants of adolescent childbearing in Bangladesh / 1
ID 1.34/6:49 AIDS stigma and uptake of HIV testing in Zimbabwe / 1
ID 1.34/6:50 Individual- and community-level determinants of social acceptance of people living with HIV in Kenya : results from a national population-based survey / 1
ID 1.34/6:51 Guatemalan regional fertility patterns 1987-2002 / 1
ID 1.34/6:52 Marriage age and fertility dynamics in India / 1
ID 1.34/6:53 Determinants of induced abortion and its consequences on women's reproductive health : findings from India's national family health surveys / 1
ID 1.34/6:54 The differential impact of wives' and husbands' education on contraceptive method choice in Nepal, 1996-2006 / 1
ID 1.34/6:55 Association between maternal, birth, and newborn characteristics and neonatal mortality in five Asian countries / 1
ID 1.34/6:56 Trends and determinants of unmet need for family planning in Kenya / 1
ID 1.34/6:57 Child stunting across schooling and fertility transitions : evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
ID 1.34/6:58 Who uses insecticide-treated mosquito nets? : a comparison of seven countries in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
ID 1.34/6:59 Factors affecting maternal health care seeking behavior in Rwanda / 1
ID 1.34/6:60 The DHS wealth index : approaches for rural and urban areas / 1
ID 1.34/6:61 The role of partner reduction and faithfulness in HIV prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa : evidence from Cameroon, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zimbabwe / 1
ID 1.34/6:62 Concurrent sexual partnerships and HIV infection : evidence from national population-based surveys / 1
ID 1.34/6:63 A closer examination of the HIV/fertility linkage / 1
ID 1.34/6:64 Spousal communication about HIV prevention in Kenya / 1