ID 1.34/6:82
Fertility transition and its determinants in Kenya : 2003-2008/9 / |
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ID 1.34/6:83
Levels and determinants of use of institutional delivery care services among women of childbearing age in Ethiopia : analysis of EDHS 2000 and 2005 data / |
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ID 1.34/6:84
The impact of maternal education on child nutrition : evidence from Malawi, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe / |
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ID 1.34/6:85
HIV prevalence and associated risk factors : analysis of change over time in mainland Tanzania / |
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ID 1.34/6:86
The role of antenatal care in predicting health facility delivery among women in Kenya : further analysis of data from the 2008-09 KDHS / |
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ID 1.34/6:87
Trends and correlates of contraceptive use among married women in Malawi : evidence from 2000-2010 Malawi Demographic and Health Surveys / |
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ID 1.34/6:88
Poverty and risky sexual behaviours : evidence from Tanzania / |
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ID 1.34/6:89
Trends and determinants of malnutrition among children age 0-59 months in Kenya (KDHS 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008-09) / |
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ID 1.34/6:90
Differentials of early teenage pregnancy in Ethiopia, 2000, and 2005 / |
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ID 1.34/6:91
Women's autonomy and reproductive healthcare-seeking behavior in Ethiopia / |
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ID 1.34/6:92
Influence of use of maternal health care on postpartum contraception in Nigeria / |
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ID 1.34/6:93
Male involvement in maternal health care as a determinant of utilization of skilled birth attendants in Kenya / |
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ID 1.34/6:94
Measuring the success of family planning Initiatives in Rwanda : a multivariate decomposition analysis / |
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ID 1.34/6:95
Socio-demographic factors associated with contraceptive use among young women in comparison with older women in Uganda / |
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ID 1.34/6:96
The effect of birth intervals on causes of under-five mortality in Afghanistan / |
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ID 1.34/6:97
Maternal health care trends in Afghanistan / |
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ID 1.34/6:98
Household nucleation, dependency and child health outcomes in Ghana / |
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ID 1.34/6:99
Relationship between women's socioeconomic status and empowerment in Burkina Faso : a focus on participation in decision-making and experience of domestic violence / |
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ID 1.34/6:100
Male circumcision, sexual behavior, and HIV status in Uganda / |
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ID 1.34/6:101
The role of women's empowerment in influencing HIV testing / |
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