Call Number (LC) Title Results
ID 1.34/3:38 Levels and trends in care seeking for childhood illness in USAID MCH priority countries / 1
ID 1.34/3:39 Performance of enzyme immunoassays for HIV serology in surveys conducted by the Demographic and Health Surveys Program / 1
ID 1.34/3:40 Urban child poverty, health, and survival in low- and middle-income countries / 1
ID 1.34/3:41 Levels and trends in newborn care service availability and readiness in Bangladesh, Haiti, Malawi, Senegal, and Tanzania / 1
ID 1.34/3:42 Levels and trends in maternal and child health disparities by wealth and region in eleven countries with DHS surveys / 1
ID 1.34/3:43 Factors associated with prior testing among HIV-positive adults in Sub-Saharan Africa / 1
ID 1.34/3:44 Women's marital status, contraceptive use, and unmet need in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean / 1
ID 1.34/3:45 Sexual and reproductive health in early and later adolescence : DHS data on yourth age 10-19 / 1
ID 1.34/3:46 Levels and trends of maternal and child health indicators in 11 Middle East and North African countries / 1
ID 1.34/3:47 Adolescent nutrition 2000-2017 : DHS data on adolescents age 15-19 / 1
ID 1.34/3:48 Absolute poverty, fertility preferences, and family planning use in FP2020 focus countries / 1
ID 1.34/3:49 Facility-based nutrition readiness and delivery of maternal and child nutrition services using service provision assessment surveys / 1
ID 1.34:4 Comparability of questionnaires / 1
ID 1.34/4:1 An evaluation of the Pakistan DHS Survey based on the reinterview survey / 1
ID 1.34/4:2 Autonomy and Egyptian women : findings from the 1988 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey / 1
ID 1.34/4:3 Assessment of the quality of data used for direct estimation of infant and child mortality in DHS-II surveys / 1
ID 1.34/4:4 An assessment of the quality of data on age at first union, first birth, and first sexual intercourse for phase II of the Demographic and Health Surveys program / 1
ID 1.34/4:5 Urban women's employment trajectories in Ghana and Bolivia / 1
ID 1.34/4:6 Costing the standard days method : the cost of integrating the standard days method (SDM) into family planning at scale and of providing the SDM in routine service delivery in Guatemala, India and Rwanda / 1
ID 1.34/4:7 Cost-effectiveness of integrating PMTCT and MNCH services : an application of the LiST Model for Malawi, Mozambique, and Uganda / 1