ITC 1.34:C 73
COMPAS-Commercial Policy Analysis System documentation version 1.4, May 1993 / |
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ITC 1.34:EC 7
Growth in services outsourcing to India propellant or drain on the U.S. economy? / |
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ITC 1.34:P 49
The emergence of India's pharmaceutical industry and implications for the U.S. generic drug market |
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ITC 1.34:T 67
Is trade preference erosion bad for development? |
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ITC 1.34:T 67/2
Accounting for discrepancies in bilateral trade the case of China, Hong Kong, and the United States trade / |
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ITC 1.35:ID-02
Factors affecting U.S. trade and shipments of information technology products : computer equipment, telecommunications equipment, and semiconductors / |
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ITC 1.35:ID-14
Foreign infringement of intellectual property rights implications for selected U.S. industries / |
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ITC 1.35:ID-16
Exports and new varieties an analysis of U.S.-Mexico agricultural trade / |
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ITC 1.35:ID-17
International cooperation on trade and labor issues |
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ITC 1.35:ID-075
Rare earths and the U.S. electronics sector : supply chain developments and trends / |
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ITC 1.36:B 56
From balsa wood to polymer foam in wind turbine blades : material input substitutes in low-carbon technologies / |
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ITC 1.36:B 98
Fat chance : is Irish butter as green as consumers think? / |
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ITC 1.36:F 76
U.S. infant formula shortage and supply and trade dynamics / |
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ITC 1.36:G 91
China's growth recession & policy response / |
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ITC 1.36:P 36
International trade in wood pellets : current trends and future prospects / |
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ITC 1.36:R 34
A small colossus : Rhodium and Russia / |
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ITC 1.36:SE 5
What's causing U.S. semiconductor equipment production and exports to grow? / |
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ITC 1.36:SE 5/2
The automotive semiconductor market--key determinants of U.S. firm competitiveness / |
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ITC 1.36:SE 5/3
Global Value Chains : explaining U.S. bilateral trade deficits in semiconductors / |
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ITC 1.36:W 72
Growth in wind turbine manufacturing and trade / |
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