J 28.33:P 25
NIJ requests proposals for Research in Action Partnerships. |
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J 28.33:P 75
NIJ invites proposals for policing research and evaluation. |
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J 28.33:P 75/2
Solicitation for policing research and evaluation : fiscal year 1996. |
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J 28.33:P 75/3
Policing research and evaluation : fiscal year 1997. |
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J 28.33:SCI 1
NIJ science and technology solicitation. |
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J 28.33:SE 9
Solicitation for research and sexual violence FY 2002 : application deadline, January 5, 2002. |
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J 28.33:SO 4
Solicitation for proposals to evaluate and research sentencing reforms and their effects on corrections. |
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J 28.33:SO 4/2
Solicitation for technology research and development partnership projects for community policing. |
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J 28.33:SO 4/3
Solicitation for research and evaluation on violence against women. |
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J 28.33:SO 4/3/996
Solicitation for research and evaluation on violence against women : fiscal year 1996. |
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J 28.33:SO 4/4
Solicitation for evaluation of arrest policies program under the Violence Against Women Act. |
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J 28.33:SO 4/5
Solicitation for research and evaluation on violence against women. |
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J 28.33:SO 4/6
Solicitation for research and evaluation on sentencing reforms and their effects on corrections (1997) |
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J 28.33:SO 4/7
Solicitation for research and evaluation in corrections, 2001. |
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J 28.33:SU 7
Law enforcement family support : solicitation for demonstration and training programs for reduction of stress among law enforcement officers and their families. |
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J 28.33:SU 7/997
Law enforcement family support : solicitation for demonstration and training programs for reduction of stress among law enforcement officers and their families. |
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J 28.33:T 28
Solicitation for the review of external DNA proficiency testing. |
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J 28.33:V 81/2
National evaluation of the domestic violence victim's civil legal assistance program : application deadline, July 10, 2000. |
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J 28.33:V 81/3
Violence against women investigator-initiated research and evaluation : application deadline, February 25, 2002. |
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J 28.34:G 75
Graduate research fellowship program : tomorrow's research community. |
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