Call Number (LC) Title Results
J 34.2:V 67/3 Child, youth, and teen victimization. 1
J 34.2:V 67/3/2017 Youth victimization. 1
J 34.2:W 55 What you can do if you are a victim of crime 1
J 34.2:W 55/FR Ce que vous pouvez faire si vous ĂȘtes victime d'un crime 1
J 34.2:W 89 Workplace violence. 1
J 34.2:W 89/2017 Workplace violence. 1
J 34.3: The Restorative Justice and Mediation Collection : executive summary. 1
J 34.3:2002021129 Children exposed to violence : criminal justice resources / 1
J 34.3:2002021133 Denver victim services 2000 needs assessment 1
J 34.3:2002021148 Establishing victim services within a law enforcement agency : the Austin experience / 1
J 34.3:2002025412 The restorative justice and mediation collection : executive summary. 1
J 34.3:2002025832 Victims, judges, and juvenile court reform through restorative justice. 1
J 34.3:2003007656 Making collaboration work the experiences of Denver victim services 2000. 1
J 34.3:2003007729 Providing relief to families after a mass fatality roles of the medical examiner's office and the family assistance center / 1
J 34.3:2003007731 Safe Harbor : a school-based victim assistance/violence prevention program. 1
J 34.3/2:V 66/1 The Restorative Justice and Mediation Collection : executive summary. 1
J 34.3/3: OVC's legal series bulletins helping understand the legal issues affecting crime victims.
OVC's legal series bulletins : helping understand the legal issues affecting crime victims.
J 34.3/3:1 Strengthening antistalking statutes 1
J 34.3/3:2 Reporting school violence 1
J 34.3/3:3 The crime victim's right to be present 1