Call Number (LC) Title Results
J438 .E5G Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925. 1
J445 .N153 Scritti scelti. 1
J455 .N1532 Scritti scelti / 1
J493 D The mystery of the hieroglyphs : the story of the Rosetta stone and the race to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs / 1
J500 .H2732 1966a Constituent Assembly debates official report, 9.12.1946-24.1.1950. 1
J500 .N35 1989 The State of the nation : presidential addresses to Parliament from Rajendra Prasad to Giani Zail Singh / 1
J500.902 Small worlds close up / 1
J501-1 Annual report of Solicitor of Treasury to Attorney-General, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1905 1
J501-2 Annual report of Solicitor of Treasury to Attorney General, for fiscal year ending June 30, 1906 1
J502-1 Catalogue of library of Office of Solicitor of Treasury 1
J502-2 Letter of Solicitor of Treasury to Secretary of Treasury in relation to Choctaw claim, Nov. 14, 1872 1
J505-1 Digest of opinions of Solicitor of Treasury, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1906 1
J505-2 Digest of opinions of Solicitor of Treasury, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1907 1
J505-3 Digest of opinions of Solicitor of Treasury, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1908 1
J505-4 Digest of opinions of Solicitor of Treasury, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1909 1
J505a-5 Digest of opinions of Solicitor of Treasury, Jan. 1, 1885 to July 1, 1903 1
J506-2 Attorneys, clerks of courts, marshals, and collectors of customs of U.S. 1
J513.2 LON  
J523.4 LHOMMEDIEU Children of the sun / 1
J529 .E278 1944 Assembly proceedings. 1