Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
J63.9 .T38 77th-80th | Post-war taxation. : Report ... to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate. | 1 |
J63.9 .T38 83rd v.2 | Federal excise-tax and collection data. | 1 |
J63.9 .T38 84th v.2 | Renegotiation act of 1951 as amended through August 3, 1955 / | 1 |
J63.9 .T38 89th |
Summary of Senate amendments to H.R. 12752 : Tax adjustment act of 1966. Summary of Senate amendments to H.R. 4750 : Interest equalization tax extension act of 1965. September 8, 1965. |
2 |
J63.9 .T38 90th | Federal excise tax data. | 1 |
J64a .A17 89th | National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 as amended, and related legislation. : Staff report ... December 31, 1965. | 1 |
J64a .A75 87th | Investigation of the preparedness program / | 1 |
J64a .A75 89th | Investigation of the preparedness program : report by ... the Preparedness investigating subcommittee ... on the personnel, training, equipment, and readiness status of Army Reserve components. | 1 |
J64a .B2 88th v.1 | Housing and community development act of 1964. : Questions and answers on provisions of S. 2468. | 1 |
J64a .E92 88th v.3 | Catalog of Federal aids to State and local governments : prepard for the Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations / | 1 |
J64a .F4 89th v.1 |
H.R. 11135 - Sugar act amendments of 1965 : comparison between House bill and Senate amendment. Friday, October 22, 1965. Comparison of H.R. 15119 as passed by the House of Representatives : and as reported by the Committee on Finance. |
2 |
J64a .F7 82nd v.1 |
The mutual security program for fiscal year 1952 : Basic data supplied by the Executive branch. The mutual security program for fiscal year 1953 : Basic data supplied by the Executive branch. |
2 |
J64a .F7 83rd v.2 | The Mutual security program for fiscal year 1954 / | 1 |
J64a .I45 84th |
Hells Canyon, power preference clause, and power partnership ... / Titanium ; staff report. Special Subcommittee on Minerals, Materials, and Fuels ... Eighty-fourth Congress, second session. December 15, 1956. |
2 |
J64a .I45 85th v.1 | Conservation and development of water resources. : Memorandum of the Chairman of the Senate committees on Interior and Insular Affairs, and Public Works in connection with S. Res. 281 of the 84th Congress. January 4, 1957. | 1 |
J64a .I45 85th v.3 | Mineral resources of and background information on the Eastern hemesphere including the Soviet Union and satellite countries. : Report of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, made by its Minerals, Materials, and Fuels Subcommittee, pursuant to S. Res, 78, amended by S. Res. 225, Eighty-fifth Congress, a resolution to report on the mineral resources of the Eastern hemisphere. December 1958. | 1 |
J64a .I45 86th | Upper Missouri Basin water rights. : Memorandum of the Chairman. May 1960. | 1 |
J64a .J9 88th v.2 | Resolution and pertinent data relative to security in the Department of state. : From the records of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate. | 1 |
J64a .L2 88th v.1 | Legislation affecting veterans enacted by the Eighty-eighth Congress, 1963-1964 : (with legislative histories of the bills, digests of the legislation, and selected background material) / | 1 |
J64a .L2 90th v.10 | Notes and working papers concerning the administration of programs authorized under Title X of Public law 85-864, the National defense education act of 1958, as amended, and Public law 534 of the 84th Congress, the Cooperative research act of 1954, as amended / | 1 |