Call Number (LC) Title Results
JA71 .M478 2005 A cloud across the Pacific : essays on the clash between Chinese and Western political theories today / 1
JA71 .M49 2002 Moyens sans fins : notes sur la politique / 1
JA71 .M5 Problems in political theory / 1
JA71 .M65 2002 A moral enterprise : politics, reason, and the human good : essays in honor of Francis Canavan / 1
JA71 .M654 2009eb Montesquieu and his legacy / 1
JA71 .M65913 2021 Infrapolitics A Handbook. 1
JA71 .M67 1996 Philosophy, science, and ideology in political thought / 1
JA71 .M67 2016 Knowledge and Ideology : the Epistemology of Social and Political Critique. 1
JA71 .M674 2016 Knowledge and ideology : the epistemology of social and political critique / 1
JA71 .M675 2010 Experimental political science and the study of causality : from nature to the lab / 1
JA71 .M675 2010eb Experimental political science and the study of causality : from nature to the lab / 1
JA71 .M677 2007 An Introduction to Political Philosophy. 1
JA71 .M679 2005 On the political / 1
JA71 .M679 2005eb On the political 1
JA71 .M685 2019 Prime movers : the real stories of twelve great thinkers from Pericles to Gandhi / 1
JA71 M722 2017 Lo político en prácticas estéticas juveniles : otras coordenadas que potencian la construcción de lo público / 1
JA71 .M76 2019 Rethinking political judgement : Arendt and existentialism / 1
JA71 .M854 2011eb Ethics for a broken world : imagining philosophy after catastrophe / 1
JA71 .M885 1945 El método de la ciencia política / 1
JA71 .N285 2015eb Nancy and the political / 1