Call Number (LC) Title Results
JA71 .M1238 2019 Between specters of war and visions of peace : dialogic political theory and the challenges of politics / 2
JA71 .M124513 2021 Planetary politics : a manifesto / 1
JA71 .M125 2006 Putting ideas to work : a practical introduction to political thought / 1
JA71.M13 W5 1968a Western political theory / 1
JA71 .M143 2006eb Construire le politique : contingence, causalité et connaissance dans la science politique contemporaine / 1
JA71 .M146 2001 From Yugoslav praxis to global pathos : anti-hegemonic post-post-Marxist essays / 1
JA71 .M16 2018 Cynical suspicions and Platonist pretentions : a critique of contemporary political theory / 2
JA71 .M17 The strategies of politics : prescribed routes to political trouble : an introduction to political philosophy / 1
JA71 .M195 2009eb Politics : key concepts in philosophy / 1
JA71 .M23 2005 Political concepts : a reader and guide / 1
JA71 .M26 Man and politics. 1
JA71 .M264 2004 Cours familier de philosophie politique / 1
JA71 .M26413 2006 A world beyond politics? : a defense of the nation-state / 1
JA71 -- M26415 2008eb Civic Conversations of Thucydides and Plato : Classical Political Philosophy and the Limits of Democracy. 1
JA71 .M26418 2007 Post-foundational political thought : political difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau / 1
JA71 .M26418 2007eb Post-foundational political thought : political difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau /
Post-foundational political thought political difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau /
JA71 .M268 2019 Political categories : thinking beyond concepts / 1
JA71 .M29 2008 The political thought of Jacques Rancière : creating equality / 1
JA71 .M29 2008eb The political thought of Jacques Rancière : creating equality / 1
JA71 M294 2014eb Manual de ciencia politica;herramientas para la comprension de la disciplina 1