Call Number (LC) Title Results
JA75 .D85 Institutions politiques et droit constitutionnel. 1
JA75 .D85 1970 Institutions politiques et droit constitutionnel. 1
JA75 .E55 1989 Enlightenment, rights and revolution : essays in legal and social history / 1
JA75 .E83 1993 L'Etat de droit en France : ombres et lumières : colloque Droit et démocratie du 18 novembre 1992 / 1
JA75 .H55 Hō to hōgaku kyōiku : Hirohama Sensei tsuitō kinen ronbunshū / 1
JA75 .I57 Hōgaku no susume / 1
JA75 .I84 Kindaihō no jōshiki / 1
JA75 .K3 The definition of law / 1
JA75 .K38 Keiken hōgaku no kenkyū : shakai tōsei no kigōteki gijutsu to shite no hō o chūshin ni / 1
JA75 .L4 Politics and law. 2
JA75 .O345 1950 Wurzel, Wandel und Wert der strafrechtlichen Legalordnung. 1
JA75 .P42 The concept "valid law" / 1
JA75 .P64 Interpretations of legal history / 1
JA75 .P67 2019 Post-truth, philosophy and law / 2
JA75 .S28 Hōritsu no misutēku : satō tatsuo hōrei zuihitsu / 1
JA75 .S97 Kenpōgaku no kadai / 1
JA75 .V54 Eigentum und Verfassung : zur Eigentumsdiskussion im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert / 1
JA75 .W62 Jurisprudence / 1
JA75.7 Blue metros, red states : the shifting urban-rural divide in America's swing states /
L'élite cannibale : comment les puissants se sont approprié les luttes identitaires (et tout le reste) /
Political identity and the metaphysics of polities /
Policy controversies and political blame games /
Culture and Contestation in the New Century.
Anthropology, theatre, and development : the transformative potential of performance /
Class struggle and identity politics : a guide /
Diploma democracy : the rise of political meritocracy /
The message is murder : substrates of computational capital /
W kręgu wyobrażeń zbiorowych : polityka, władza, społeczeństwo /
Culture and Politics: A Comparative Approach : a Comparative Approach /
Culture and politics : a comparative approach /
Cultural practices, political possibilities /
Politics, policy, and culture /
Political meritocracy and populism : cure or curse? /
Connecting centre and locality : political communication in early modern England /
Islamic Political Culture, Democracy, and Human Rights : a Comparative Study.
Between Rome and Byzantium : the golden age of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania's political culture : second half of the fifteenth century to first half of the seventeenth century /
Culture matters : essays in honor of Aaron Wildavsky /
Political/Cultural Identity : Citizens and Nations in a Global Era.
Before norms : institutions and civic culture /
Resetting the political culture agenda : from Polis to international organization /
Feasting and polis institutions /
Articulating the global and the local : globalization and cultural studies /
Reality bites : rhetoric and the circulation of truth claims in U.S. political culture /
The theory of political culture /
The organic globalizer : hip hop, political development, and movement culture /
Disruptive democracy : the clash between techno-populism and techno-democracy /
The civic culture transformed : from allegiant to assertive citizens /
Negativity in democratic politics : causes and consequences /
Culture and policy-making : pluralism, performativity, and semiotic capital /
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