Call Number (LC) Title Results
JA83 .S94 Vom Antiken zum frühmittelalterlichen Staatsbegriff : über Verwendung und Bedeutung von res publica, regnum, imperium und status von Cicero bis Jordanis. 1
JA83 .T37 1993 Dang dai dong fang zheng zhi si chao / 1
JA83 .T45 1993 The conservative imagination / 1
JA83 .T48 1991 There to here : ideas of political society : John Locke and his influence on 300 years of political theory /
There to here : ideas of political society /
JA83 .T49 2011eb Ideologies in the age of extremes : liberalism, conservatism, communism, fascism 1914-91 / 1
JA83 .V57 From Enlightenment to Revolution / 2
JA83 .W28 1984 The emergence of dialectical theory : philosophy and political inquiry / 1
JA83 .W3 The age of ideology: political thought, 1750 to the present /
The age of ideology: political thought, 1750 to the present
JA83 .W38 Philosophy, theory, and method in contemporary political thought / 1
JA83 .W48 2018eb Why the left loses : the decline of the centre-left in comparative perspective / 1
JA83 .W49 2018 Why the left loses : the decline of the centre-left in comparative perspective / 1
JA83 .W598 2012 Liberty and property : a social history of Western political thought from Renaissance to Enlightenment / 1
JA83 .W63 1991 The pristine culture of capitalism : a historical essay on old regimes and modern states / 1
JA83 .W63 1992 The pristine culture of capitalism : a historical essay on old regimes and modern states / 1
JA83 .Z44 Ideologie und Wahrheit. : Zur Kritik der politischen Vernunft. 1
JA83 .Z59 2020 A left that dares to speak its name : untimely interventions / 1
JA83 .Z64 Twentieth century political philosophy. --
Twentieth century political philosophy.
JA83 ebook La trama del juarismo : patrimonialismo y democracia en la política provincial argentina /
La izquierda como problema /
Historia del pensamiento político del siglo XX /
La idiotez de lo perfecto : miradas a la política /
Los maquiavelistas : defensores de la libertad /
El monarca, el ciudadano y el excluido : hacia una crítica de "lo político" /
Los orígenes del estado moderno : historia de las ideas políticas en el siglo XIX /
Spectrum : de la derecha a la izquierda en el mundo de las ideas /
Entre Pueblo e Imperio Estado Agonizante e Izquierda en Ruinas.
JA84 A history of political thought in the English Revolution.
A history of modern political thought in East Central Europe.
Political science.
The new class in post-industrial society
JA84.A3 S43 2023 Understanding Afghanistan : political networks, informal order, and state disruption / 1