Call Number (LC) Title Results
JA85 .G74 2014 The grammar of politics and performance /
The Grammar of Politics and Performance.
JA85 G984 2011eb La política vigilada la comunicación política en la era de Wikileaks / 1
JA85 .H35 2009eb The handbook of election news coverage around the world /
The handbook of election news coverage around the world
JA85 .H35 2012eb The Politics of Eloquence : David Hume's Polite Rhetoric /
The politics of eloquence : David Hume's polite rhetoric /
JA85 .H36 2004 Handbook of political communication research / 1
JA85 .H36 2004eb Handbook of political communication research / 1
JA85 .H36 2019 The manifesto handbook : 95 theses on an incendiary form / 1
JA85 .H3655 2023 Trolling ourselves to death : democracy in the age of social media / 2
JA85 .H37 2008 The information revolution and world politics / 2
JA85 .H38 2012 The politics of eloquence : David Hume's polite rhetoric / 1
JA85 .H39 2012 Prisoners of conscience : moral vernaculars of political agency / 1
JA85 .H39 2012eb Prisoners of conscience : moral vernaculars of political agency / 1
JA85 .H64 2022 The prime minister-media Nexus : centralization logic and application / 1
JA85 .H83 2004 Political disagreement : the survival of diverse opinions within communication networks / 1
JA85 .H83 2004eb Political disagreement : the survival of diverse opinions within communication networks / 1
JA85 .I26 2016 Hybrid politics : media and participation / 1
JA85 .J86 2020 Retooling politics : how digital media are shaping democracy / 1
JA85 .K37 2016 Analytic activism : digital listening and the new political strategy / 2
JA85 .K47 2016 Constrained elitism and contemporary democratic theory / 2
JA85 .L36 2009 Political conflict and political preferences : communicative interaction between facts, norms and interests / 1