Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC131 .T48 Three Renaissance classics: Machiavelli, The prince. More, Utopia. Castiglione, The courtier / 1
JC131 .V47 2022i State theory and the law an introduction / 1
JC131 .W36 1999 State building and late development / 1
JC131 .W45 1910i Seven great statesmen in the warfare of humanity with unreason / 1
JC131 .W47 2005 Marxism and the state : an analytical approach / 1
JC131 .W47 2005eb Marxism and the state : an analytical approach / 1
JC131 .W6 Seven great statesmen in the warfare of humanity with unreason / 1
JC131 .W6 1915 Seven great statesmen in the warfare of humanity with unreason / 1
JC131 ebook El ocaso del Estado moderno /
El Estado de la doble revolución ilustrada e industrial (1776-2014) : teoría de la gran transformación al Estado constittucional democrático social y ambiental /
La cuestión del Estado en el pensamiento social crítico latinoamericano /
JC134 .B58x 1973 Der venezianische Staatsgedanke im 16. Jahrhundert und das zeitgenössische Venedig-Bild in der Staatstheorie des republikanischen Florenz / 1
JC134.M4 ebook Maquiavelo en 90 minutos / 1
JC134 .M67 2021 Reformation, resistance, and reason of state (1517-1625) / 1
JC134 ebook Virtudes políticas en el Siglo de Oro. 1
JC137 .C68 1696 The country gentleman's notion concerning governments· In a letter to his friend at Leeds in Yorkshire. 1
JC137 .G37 1975 A Machiavellian treatise / 2
JC137.H7 D3 1972 The political ideas of Richard Hooker / 1
JC137.H7 S4 Richard Hooker and contemporary political ideas / 1
JC137 (INTERNET) The six bookes of a common-weale 1
JC137 .L38 Politica, decorum, commentationes 1
JC137 .P8 1556a A shorte treatise of politike pouuer : and of the true obedience which subiectes owe to kynges and other ciuile gouernours, with an exhortacion to all true naturall Englishe men / 1