Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC143.M146 ebook El Príncipe /
El príncipe /
JC143.M146 (INTERNET) A true copy of a letter written by N. Machiavill in defence of himself and his religion 1
JC143 .M1463 1994 Selected political writings / 2
JC143 .M1463 2017 The quotable Machiavelli / 1
JC143 .M1526 1930 The prince. : Letter to Francisco Vettori, December 10, 1513. Reports on the affairs of France and Germany. Life of Castruccio Castracani / 1
JC143 .M1529 1965 Chief works, and others / 1
JC143 .M1529 1965 v.1 The chief works, and others. 1
JC143 .M1529 1965 v.3 The chief works, and others. 1
JC143 .M16 1584 I discorsi di Nicolo Machiavelli, sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. : Con due tauole, l'una de capitoli, & l'altra delle cose principali: & con le stesse parole di Tito Liuio a luoghi loro ridotto nella volgar lingua. 1
JC143 .M163 1922 Discorsi : politische Betrachtungen über die alte und die italienische Geschichte / 1
JC143 .M163 1950 The discourses of Niccolo Machiavelli / 1
JC143 .M163 1979 Machiavelli's new modes and orders : a study of the Discourses on Livy / 1
JC143 .M163 1997 Discourses on Livy / 1
JC143 .M163 1997eb Discourses on Livy / 1
JC143.M163 P4313 2018 Machiavelli in tumult : the discourses on Livy and the origins of political conflictualism / 2
JC143 .M16313 1996 Discourses on Livy / 1
JC143 .M16318 2016 Discursos de Nicolao Machiaueli : Juan Lorenzo Ottevanti's Spanish translation of Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy (1552) / 1
JC143 .M16413 2007 Discourses on Livy / 1
JC143.M167 C62 1999 Machiavelli's Romans : liberty and greatness in the discourses on Livy / 1
JC143.M167 L48 2014eb Wily Elites and Spirited Peoples in Machiavelli's Republicanism. 1