Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC179.M8 S35 1961 Montesquieu : a critical biography. 1
JC179.M8 S63 1999 Montesquieu's vision of uncertainty and modernity in political philosophy / 1
JC179.M8 S64 2006 Montesquieu et l'émergence de l'économie politique / 1
JC179.M8 S65 1969 Montesquieu in America, 1760-1801. 1
JC179.M8 V46 Montesquieu et L'esprit des lois ou la raison impure / 1
JC179.M8 W23 1970 Montesquieu and the philosophy of natural law. / 1
JC179.M8 W55 1819i Lectures on politeness, giving a beautiful display of nature and her laws showing the disposition of the three powers in various government, ancient and modern : manners and customs of various countries : calculated to accomplish the teacher as well as the student, the merchant, the clerk, the mechanic, the politician, the farmer, and even the great philosopher, as well as the learned and worthly lawyer / 1
JC179 .Q86 2003 The political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau : the impossibility of reason / 1
JC179 .Q86 2003eb The political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau : the impossibility of reason / 3
JC179.R65 ebook Robespierre : una política de la filosofía / 1
JC179 .R675 2002 Discours sur l'économie politique / 1
JC179 .R6813 1761i A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind 1
JC 179 .R7 The political writings of Jean Jacques Riusseau, ed. from the original manuscripts and authentic editions / 1
JC179 .R7 1915i The political writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau 1
JC179 .R7 1962 Political writings / 1
JC179 .R7 1983 On the social contract ; Discourse on the origin of inequality ; Discourse on political economy / 1
JC179 .R7 1987b Basic political writings / 2
JC179 .R7 1993 The social contract ; and, The discourses / 1
JC179 .R7 1997 The social contract and other later political writings / 2
JC179 .R7 1997c The discourses and other early political writings / 1