Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC179.R9 W38 2004 Rousseau : religion et politique / 1
JC179.R9 W55 2000 Rousseau's republican romance / 1
JC179.R9 W55 2000eb Rousseau's republican romance / 2
JC179.S234 G68 1859 Etude sur la vie et les écrits de l'Abbé de Saint-Pierre / 1
JC179 .S5313 2014 Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes : the essential political writings / 1
JC179 .S5313 2014eb Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes : the essential political writings / 2
JC179.S534 F67 1987 Reason and revolution : the political thought of the Abbé Sieyes / 1
JC179 .V65 1994 Political writings / 1
JC179 .V65 1994eb Political writings / 1
JC179.V9 R6 Voltaire and the state. 1
JC179 ebook Guía de lectura de El contrato social de Juan Jacobo Rousseau /
Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres
Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad entre los hombres /
Contrato social, o, Principios de derecho político /
JC181 Rights, Bodies and Recognition : New Essays on Fichte's Foundations of Natural Right / 1
JC181 .B5 1760i Institutions politiques 1
JC181 .F5313 1869i The science of rights 1
JC181 .F613 2012 The closed commercial state / 1
JC181 .F615 2011 The closed commercial state : perpetual peace and commercial society from Rousseau to Fichte / 1
JC181 .F615 2011eb The closed commercial state perpetual peace and commercial society from Rousseau to Fichte / 1
JC181 .F6213 2000 Foundations of natural right : according to the principles of the Wissenschaftslehre /
Foundations of natural right : according to the Principles of the Wissenschaftslehre /
JC181 F6214 1998 Fondement du droit naturel selon les principes de la doctrine de la science, 1796-1797 / 1
JC181.F623 F53 2016 Fichte's Foundations of natural right : a critical guide / 1