Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC261.F68 The government of things : Foucault and the new materialism's /
Vierzig Jahre "Überwachen und Strafen" : Zur Aktualität der Foucault'schen Machtanalyse.
Foucault's politics of philosophy : power, law and subjectivity /
The Political Philosophy of Michel Foucault.
JC261 .F68 1996eb Foucault and political reason : liberalism, neo-liberalism and rationalities of government / 1
JC261.F68 B36 2015 Foucault's political challenge : from hegemony to truth / 2
JC261.F68 D43 2015eb State phobia and civil society : the political legacy of Michel Foucault / 1
JC261.F68 D43 2016 State phobia and civil society : the political legacy of Michel Foucault / 1
JC261.F68 D85 1996 Michel Foucault and the politics of freedom / 2
JC261.F68 F68 1996 Foucault and political reason : liberalism, neo-liberalism, and rationalities of government / 1
JC261.F68 F68 1996eb Foucault and political reason : liberalism, neo-liberalism and rationalities of government / 1
JC261.F68 F68 2019 Foucault, neoliberalism, and beyond / 1
JC261.F68 F69 2019 Foucault, neoliberalism, and beyond / 1
JC261.F68 H64 2014 Foucault and power : the influence of political engagement on theories of power / 2
JC261.F68 .K45 2009 The political philosophy of Michel Foucault / 1
JC261.F68 .K45 2009eb The political philosophy of Michel Foucault 1
JC261.F68 L3413 2020 Foucault against neoliberalism? / 2
JC261.F68 L4513 2019 A critique of political reason : Foucault's analysis of modern governmentality / 1
JC261.F68 L46 2021 The government of things : Foucault and the new materialisms / 1
JC261.F68 L4613 2019 Foucault's analysis of modern governmentality : a critique of political reason / 1
JC261.F68 L462 2021 The government of things : Foucault and the new materialism's / 1
JC261.F68 P53 2005 On the use and abuse of Foucault for politics / 1
JC261.F68 S55 2013eb Foucault and the politics of hearing
Foucault and the politics of hearing /