Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC273.P68 F5613 2019 The end of the democratic state : Nicos Poulantzas, a Marxism for the 21st century / 1
JC273.R69 G76 M. N. Roy : a study of revolution and reason in Indian politics / 1
JC273.S27 Benoy Kumar Sarkar : restoring the nation to the world / 1
JC273.S44 A3 2008 Embers and ashes : memoirs of an Arab intellectual / 1
JC273 .S56 2019i India's Vibgyor man selected writings and speeches of L.M. Singhvi / 1
JC273 .S65 Drz̆ava i njen život. 1
JC273 .S74 Organizacija državne uprave. 1
JC273 .W74 The ruler's imperative : strategies for political survival in Asia and Africa / 1
JC273.Y46 Y36 1991 Yan Jiaqi and China's struggle for democracy
Yan Jiaqi and China's struggle for democracy /
JC273 ebook La idea del Estado en la edad moderna / 1
JC274 .T73 2015eb Tracing the political : depoliticisation, governance and the state / 2
JC274.5 .A45 2006 A life looking forward : memoirs of an independent marxist / 1
JC274.5.K55 A3 2021 A Black intellectual's odyssey : from a Pennsylvania milltown to the Ivy League / 1
JC274.5.N87 Martha Nussbaum and politics / 2
JC274.5.S73 Harvey Starr pioneer in the study of conflict processes and international relations / 1
JC299.C8 R8 La jeunesse de Benjamin Constant, 1767-1794 : le disciple du XVIIIe siècle, utilitarisme et pessimisme, Mme de Charrière / 1
JC308 .C6 no.352 Fiscal services for State legislatures. 1
JC311 Populism and globalization the return of nationalism and the global liberal order /
Consuming ethnicity and nationalism : Asian experiences /
Nationalisms in the European Arena : trajectories of transnational party coordination /
The nation/state fantasy : a psychoanalytical genealogy of nationalism /
Issues of self-determination /
That is not who we are! : populism and peoplehood /
Separatism and Regionalism in Modern Europe /
NATIONALITY its nature and problems.
Nationalism and war /
Reconfiguring European states in crisis /
Ottoman/Turkish visions of the nation, 1860-1950 /
The Cambridge history of nationhood and nationalism /
Boxing Pandora : rethinking borders, states, and secession in a democratic world /
Nation state and ethnic diversity /
National identity and Europe in times of crisis : doing and undoing Europe /
The everyday life of the state : a state-in-society approach /
Nationalism /
National thought in Europe : a cultural history /
City on a hill : a history of American exceptionalism /
Cultural nationhood and political statehood : the birth of self-determination /
Neither Settler nor Native.
Sprache, Politik, Zugehörigkeit /
The Oxford handbook of the history of nationalism /
Citizenship after the nation state : regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe /
Closing the door on globalization : internationalism, nationalism, culture and science in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries /
Civic nationalisms in global perspective /
Nationalism on the Internet : critical theory and ideology in the age of social media and fake news /
Rethinking Nationalism and Ethnicity : The Struggle for Meaning and Order in Europe /
New nationalisms of the developed west : toward explanation /
After independence : making and protecting the nation in postcolonial & postcommunist states /
Histories of nationalism beyond Europe : myths, elitism and transnational connections /
Nationalism and intra-state conflicts in the postcolonial world /
Individual choice and state-led nationalist mobilization in China : self-interested patriots /
Nationalism, secessionism, and autonomy /
Nation and Commemoration : Creating National Identities in the United States and Australia /
Nationalisms in international politics /
Nacionalismo ilusiones y realidades : una mirada critica sobre el estado de la cuestion.
European identity in the context of national identity : questions of identity in sixteen European countries in the wake of the financial crisis /
Rebel power : why national movements compete, fight, and win /
NATIONALITY IN HISTORY AND POLITICS a psychology and sociology of national sentiment and... nationalism.
Rethinking stateless nations and national identity in Wales and the Basque Country /
Nationalism and the multination state /
Nationalism and revolution in Europe, 1763-1848 /
The nation form in the global age : ethnographic perspectives /
National identity and social cohesion in a time of geopolitical and economic tension Australia - European Union - Slovenia /
Populist nationalism in Europe and the Americas /
Nationalism and Populism : expressions of fear or political strategies? /
ENGAGING WITH A NATION representations of india in the 21st century.
Histories of Nationalism in Ireland and Germany : a Comparative Study from 1800 To 1932.
The idea of nationalism : a study in its origins and background /
Legends Of People, Myths Of State : Violence, Intolerance, and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia.
Why nationalism /
The new nationalism in America and beyond : the deep roots of ethnic nationalism in the digital age /
Precarious belongings : affect and nationalism in Asia /
Defensive nationalism : explaining the rise of populism and fascism in the 21st century /
Worldmaking after empire /
Exploring interconnectedness : constructions of European and national identities in educational media /
Liberal nationalism and its critics : normative and empirical questions /
JC311.A2 C65 Die Nationalitäten in den Staaten Europas : Sammlung von Lagerberichten / 1
JC311.A2 N33 1931 Die Nationalitäten in den Staaten Europas : Sammlung von Lagerberichten / 1