Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JC328 .G7 1966 | The loyal and the disloyal : social boundaries of patriotism and treason / | 1 |
JC328 .H2 | James Mill and the art of revolution. | 1 |
JC328 .H4 1967 | Resistance against tyranny : a symposium. | 1 |
JC328 .H43 | A word to the wavering, or, An answer to the enquiry into the present state of affairs whether we owe allegiance to the King in these circumstances? &c. : with a postscript of subjection to the higher powers / | 2 |
JC328 .I78 2022i | Allegiance, citizenship and the law the enigma of belonging / | 1 |
God and the king, or, A dialogue wherein is treated of allegiance due to our most gracious Lord, King Iames, within his dominions Which (by remouing all controuersies, and causes of dissentions and suspitions) bindeth subiects, by an inuiolable band of loue and duty, to their soueraigne. / Policie vnveiled vvherein may be learned, the order of true policie in kingdomes, and common-wealths : the matters of justice, and government, the addresses, maxims, and reasons of state : the science of governing well a people : and where the subject may learne true obedience unto their kings, princes, and soveraignes. / A vindication of The case of allegiance due to soveraign powers, in reply to An answer to a late pamphlet, intituled, Obedience and submission to the present government, demonstrated from Bishop Overal's convocation-book, with a postscript in answer to Dr. Sherlock's Case of allegiance, &c The duty of all true subiects to their King as also to their native countrey, in time of extremity and danger. : With some memorable examples of the miserable ends of perfidious traytors. : In two bookes: / Discourses concerning government Their present Majesties government proved to be throughly settled, and that we may submit to it, without asserting the principles of Mr. Hobbs shewing also, that allegiance was not due to the usurpers after the late civil war : occasion'd by some late pamphlets against the Reverend Dr. Sherlock. A reply to a paper of Dr. Sandersons, containing a censure of Mr. A.A. his booke Of the confusions and revolutions of goverment [sic] The grand case of conscience stated, about submission to the new and present power, or, An impassionate answer to a modest book concerning the lawfullness of submitting to the present government The bounds & bonds of publique obedience, or, A vindication of our lawfull submission to the present government, or to a government supposed unlawfull, but commanding lawfull things likewise how such an obedience is consistent with our Solemne League and Covenant : in all which a reply is made to the three answers of the two demurrers, and to the author of The grand case of conscience, who professe themselves impassionate Presbyterians. Dr. Sherlock's Case of allegiance considered with some remarks upon his vindication. An enquiry into the measures of submission to the supream [sic] authority and of the grounds upon which it may be lawful or necessary for subjects to defend their religion. The duty of allegiance settled upon its true grounds, according to Scripture, reason, and the opinion of the Church in answer to a late book of Dr. William Sherlock, master of the Temple, entituled, The case of the allegiance due to sovereign powers, stated, and resolved, according to Scripture, &c. : with a more particular respect to the oath lately injoyn'd. The case of an oath of abjuration considered and the vote of the honourable House of Commons vindicated in a letter. |
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JC328 .L4 1990 | El discurso de la fidelidad : construcción social del espacio como símbolo del poder regio : Venezuela, siglo XVIII / | 1 |
JC328 .L44 1997 | Consent, dissent, and patriotism / | 1 |
JC328 .L44 1997eb | Consent, dissent, and patriotism / | 1 |
JC328 .L919 | The penitential declaration of Ralph Lowndes of Middlewich in the county of Chester, gentleman | 1 |
JC328 .M62 1616 | God and the king, or, A dialogue shewing that our soueraigne lord King Iames beeing immediate vnder God within his dominions, doth rightfully claime whatsoeuer is required by the Oath of allegiance | 1 |
JC328 .N57 1601a | Caesars dialogve, or, A familiar communication containing the first institution of a subiect, in allegiance to his soueraigne / | 1 |
JC328 .P27 | The problem of political obligation : a critical analysis of liberal theory / | 1 |
JC328 .P58 | Political and legal obligation / | 2 |
JC328 .P655 2003 | Political loyalty and the nation-state / | 1 |
JC328 .P655 2003eb | Political loyalty and the nation-state / | 2 |
JC328 .R58 | Une correspondance inédite de la princesse Marie d'Orléans, duchesse de Würtemberg. | 1 |
JC328 .S5 1989 | The frontier of loyalty : political exiles in the age of the nation-state / | 2 |
JC328 .S5 2005eb | The frontier of loyalty : political exiles in the age of the nation-state / | 1 |
JC328 .S55 1979 | Moral principles and political obligations / | 2 |