Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JC389 .L37 | The power of kings from God a sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Sarum the XXIX day of June, 1683 upon occasion of the detection of the late horrid plot against the life of His Scared Majesty / | 2 |
JC389 .M3 1680 | Sacro-sancta regum majestas, or, The sacred and royal prerogative of Christian kings. Wherein sovereignty is by Holy Scriptures, reverend antiquity, and sound reason asserted, by discussing of five questions. And the Puritanical, Jesuitical, antimonarchical grounds are disproved, and the untruth and weakness of their new-devised-state-principles are discovered. Dei gratia mea lux. | 2 |
JC389 .M45 1650 | The tenure of kings and magistrates proving that it is lawfull and hath been held so through all ages for any who have the power to call to account a tyrant or wicked king, and after due conviction to depose and put him to death if the ordinary magistrate have neglected or deny'd to doe it, and that they who of late so much blame deposing are the men that did it themselves / | 2 |
JC389 .M47 | A sermon preacht at the Cathedral Church in Norwich, upon the 11th of April, 1696, the day of His Majesties coronation | 2 |
JC389 .M55 2022 | Friendly sovereignty : historical perspectives on Carl Schmitt's neglected exception / | 1 |
JC389 .M6 1643 |
The necessity of Christian svbiection. Demonstrated and proved by the doctrine of Christ and the apostles : the practice of primitive Christians, the rules of religion, cases of conscience, and consent of latter orthodox divines. / The necessity of Christian subjection demonstrated, and proved by the doctrine of Christ, and the apostles, the practice of primitive Christians, the rules of religion, cases of conscience, and consent of latter Orthodox divines, that the power of the King is not of humane, but of divine right, and that God onely is the efficient cause thereof. Whereunto is added, an appendix of all the chief objections that malice it selfe could lay upon His Majestie, with a full answer to every particular objection. |
2 |
JC389 .P47 |
The obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy to assist and defend the pre-eminence or prerogative of the dispensative power belonging to the king, his heirs and successors : in the asserting of that power various historical passages occuring in the usurpation after the year 1641 are occasionally mentioned, and an account is given at large of the progress of the power of dispensing as to acts of Parliaments declaring their approbation of the exercise of such power, and particularly in what concerns the punishment of disability or incapacity. The obligation resulting from the Oath of Supremacy to assist and defend the pre-eminence or prerogative of the dispensative power belonging to the king, his heirs and successors : in the asserting of that power various historical passages occuring in the usurpation after the year 1641 are occassionally mentioned, and an account is given at large of the progress of the power of dispensing as to acts of Parliaments declaring their approbation of the exercise of such power, and particularly in what concerns the punishment of disability or incapacity. |
2 |
JC389 .P48 1687 | Investigatio jurium antiquorum, et rationalium regni, sive Monarchiae Angliae, in magnis suis conciliis, seu Parliamentis et regiminis, cum iisdem in suis principiis, optimi. or, A vindication of the government of the kingdom of England under our kings and monarchs, appointed by God, from the opinion and claim of those, that without any warrant or ground of law or right reason, that laws of God and man, nature and nations, the records, annals and histories of the kingdom, would have it to be originally derived from the people, or the king to be co-ordinate with his houses of peers and Commons in Parliament. / | 1 |
JC389 .P54 |
Investigatio jurium antiquorum et rationalium Regni, sive, Monarchiae Angliae in magnis suis conciliis seu Parliamentis. et regiminis cum lisden in suis principiis optimi, or, a vindication of the government of the kingdom of England under our kings and monarchs, appointed by God, from the opinion and claim of those that without any warrant or ground of law or right reason, the laws of God and man, nature and nations, the records, annals and histories of the kingdom, would have it to be originally derived from the people, or the King to be co-ordinate with his Houses of Peers and Commons in Parliament / Investigatio jurium antiquorum et rationalium Regni, sive, Monarchiae Angliae in magnis suis conciliis seu Parliamentis. et regiminis cum lisden in suis principiis optimi, or, a vindication of the government of the kingdom of England under our kings and monarchs, appointed by God, from the opinion and claim of those that without any warrant or ground of law or right reason, the laws of God and man, nature and nations, the records, annals and histories of the kingdom, would have it to be originally derived from the people, or the King to be co-ordinate with his Houses of Peers and Commons in Parliament / |
2 |
JC389.P73 1690 | The prerogative royal of the monarchs of Scotland, and the succession to the crown, as mentioned in the Act of Parliament | 1 |
JC389 .P76 | The right of Kings conteyning a defence of their supremacy, over all persons and in all causes, as well ecclesiasticall as civill, within their severall dominions : herewithall is proved by testimony of Holy Scripture, that Christian Kinges are to haue such dignity, and execute such office in the Christian church, as Gods kinges had exercised in the church under the lawe : which part of the mysterie of Gods will, as it hath been wickedly under poperie shut up from men, so it is in our tymes right needfull that the same be opened to all Christian nations. | 1 |
JC389 .R39 1666 | The royal prerogatve [sic]; or, Subjection to kings and the necessity of passive obedience in the subject. Proved and pressed as an excellent duty to be performed by all good Christians; or any that would be accounted so; contrary to the schismatical and rebellious tenets of some in these times. Being also a divine and excellent preservative against famine, sword, and pestilence in a sermon / | 1 |
JC389 .R43 1698 | Reasons most humbly offer'd to the right honourable the Commons in Parliament assembled against the vote of this House of the 17th of December last, whereby it is ordered, that leave be given to bring in a bill for the quieting the subject against all pretences of concealment whatsoever. | 1 |
JC389 .S52 1623 | A friendly aduertisement to the pretended Catholickes of Ireland declaring, for their satisfaction, that both the Kings supremacie, and the faith whereof His Majestie is the defender, are consonant to the doctrine delivered in the Holy Scriptures, and writings of the ancient fathers, and consequently, that the lawes and statutes enacted in that behalfe, are dutifully to be observed by all His Majesties subjects within that kingdome / | 1 |
JC389 .S65 1655 | The royall advocate. Or, An introduction to the magnificent and honourable laws of Jehovah the Lord Christ, now contaminated and despised by the present army-men of this nation. Asserting and controverting the holinesse, righteousness, perfectnesse, and universallity thereof, of divine right: in opposition to the heathenish, and antichristian laws, traditions, and vaine imaginations of the past and present, pretended Christian magistrates of this nation which they yet so much dote upon and endeavour to support, against the alone law giver, lord of heaven and earth, god of gods, king of kings, and lord of lords. / | 1 |
JC389 .T34 | Charisma : Studien zur Geschichte des antiken Herrscherkultes. | 1 |
JC389 .T63 |
Certaine observations upon some texts of Scripture Certaine observations upon some texts of Scripture gathered together for the setting forth the Kings avthority and the peoples dvty. |
2 |
JC389 .T78 | The True loyalist wherein is discovered, First, the falsehood and deceipt of the solemn league and covenant, Secondly, that there is no salvation out of Christ, Thirdly, that the pope is the Anti-Christ, the man of sin, or the son of perdition, cum multis alias, &c. / | 2 |
JC389 .T87 |
Bibliotheca politica, or, A discourse by way of dialogue whether monarchy be jure divino Bibliotheca politica; or, A discourse by way of dialogue whether monarchy be jure divino |
3 |
JC389 .U77 1691 | The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject briefly laid down and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers / | 2 |