Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
JC389 .S52 1623 | A friendly aduertisement to the pretended Catholickes of Ireland declaring, for their satisfaction, that both the Kings supremacie, and the faith whereof His Majestie is the defender, are consonant to the doctrine delivered in the Holy Scriptures, and writings of the ancient fathers, and consequently, that the lawes and statutes enacted in that behalfe, are dutifully to be observed by all His Majesties subjects within that kingdome / | 1 |
JC389 .S65 1655 | The royall advocate. Or, An introduction to the magnificent and honourable laws of Jehovah the Lord Christ, now contaminated and despised by the present army-men of this nation. Asserting and controverting the holinesse, righteousness, perfectnesse, and universallity thereof, of divine right: in opposition to the heathenish, and antichristian laws, traditions, and vaine imaginations of the past and present, pretended Christian magistrates of this nation which they yet so much dote upon and endeavour to support, against the alone law giver, lord of heaven and earth, god of gods, king of kings, and lord of lords. / | 1 |
JC389 .T34 | Charisma : Studien zur Geschichte des antiken Herrscherkultes. | 1 |
JC389 .T63 |
Certaine observations upon some texts of Scripture Certaine observations upon some texts of Scripture gathered together for the setting forth the Kings avthority and the peoples dvty. |
2 |
JC389 .T78 | The True loyalist wherein is discovered, First, the falsehood and deceipt of the solemn league and covenant, Secondly, that there is no salvation out of Christ, Thirdly, that the pope is the Anti-Christ, the man of sin, or the son of perdition, cum multis alias, &c. / | 2 |
JC389 .T87 |
Bibliotheca politica; or, A discourse by way of dialogue whether monarchy be jure divino Bibliotheca politica, or, A discourse by way of dialogue whether monarchy be jure divino |
3 |
JC389 .U77 1691 | The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject briefly laid down and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers / | 2 |
JC389 .U88 | The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject briefly laid down and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, testimony of the primitive church, dictates of right reason, and opinion of the wisest among the heathen writers / | 2 |
JC389 .W34 1691 | Sherlock against Sherlock. The master of the temple's reasons for his late taking the oath to their Majesties, answered, / | 1 |
JC389 .W35 | Basileōs hyperochē. Sive de regis primatu. libellus. In quo summa regis secundum Deum authoritas cùm in civilibus tùm in ecclesiasticis, supra & populum & clerum, breviter & methodice probatur. / | 1 |
JC392.A6 W66 | Loyalty the ornament of Christianity, or, Scripture proofs for monarchy with comments in verse on each proof and applications relating to the unparallel'd rebellion in the West, wherein the arch-traitor Ferguson is in some measure anatomiz'd and his disciples characteriz'd / | 2 |
JC392.D4 P44 | The shadow king : rex inutilis in medieval law and literature, 751-1327 / | 1 |
JC392.D4 P44 1970 E-book | The shadow king rex inutilis in medieval law and literature, 751-1327 / | 1 |
JC392.U8 G53 | An impartial disquisition, how far conquest gives the conqueror a title | 2 |
JC393 |
Mirrors for princes : how "tips for tyrants" became clichés of leadership / A pattern for the education of princes, or, The history of William de Croy, sirnamed the Wise, Lord of Chievres, Governour to Charles of Austria, who was the fifth Emperour of that name in six books : containing the memorable transactions that happened during his administration in most of the courts of Christendom, and particularly the quaint intrigues of the courts of the Emperour, Spain, France and Flanders, both for, and against the succession of Charles to the empire and crowns of Spain / The progressive maharaja : Sir Madhava Rao's Hints on the art and science of government / A table-booke for princes. Containing short remembrances for the gouernment of themselues and their empire. : Wherein also respectiuely the seuerall members of state, and all sorts of subiects, may finde matter worthy their obseruation. / |
4 |
JC393.A2 K58 | Das altiranische Fürstenideal von Xenophon bis Ferdousi : nach d. antiken u. einheim. Quellen dargest. / | 1 |
JC393.A3 B3713 1990 | De regimine principum / | 1 |
JC393.A3 B8 1547a | De l'institution du prince : liure contenant plusieurs histoires, enseignements, & saiges dicts des anciens tant Grecs que Latins / | 1 |
JC393.A3 ebook | Secreto de los secretos ; Poridat de las poridades : versiones castellanas del Pseudo-Aristóteles Secretum secretorum / | 1 |
JC393.A3 .G453 | Ghazālī̕s book of counsel for kings : (Nasīhat al-mulūk) / | 1 |