Call Number (LC) Title Results
JC392.U8 G53 An impartial disquisition, how far conquest gives the conqueror a title 2
JC393 Mirrors for princes : how "tips for tyrants" became clichés of leadership /
A pattern for the education of princes, or, The history of William de Croy, sirnamed the Wise, Lord of Chievres, Governour to Charles of Austria, who was the fifth Emperour of that name in six books : containing the memorable transactions that happened during his administration in most of the courts of Christendom, and particularly the quaint intrigues of the courts of the Emperour, Spain, France and Flanders, both for, and against the succession of Charles to the empire and crowns of Spain /
The progressive maharaja : Sir Madhava Rao's Hints on the art and science of government /
A table-booke for princes. Containing short remembrances for the gouernment of themselues and their empire. : Wherein also respectiuely the seuerall members of state, and all sorts of subiects, may finde matter worthy their obseruation. /
JC393.A2 K58 Das altiranische Fürstenideal von Xenophon bis Ferdousi : nach d. antiken u. einheim. Quellen dargest. / 1
JC393.A3 B3713 1990 De regimine principum / 1
JC393.A3 B8 1547a De l'institution du prince : liure contenant plusieurs histoires, enseignements, & saiges dicts des anciens tant Grecs que Latins / 1
JC393.A3 ebook Secreto de los secretos ; Poridat de las poridades : versiones castellanas del Pseudo-Aristóteles Secretum secretorum / 1
JC393.A3 .G453 Ghazālī̕s book of counsel for kings : (Nasīhat al-mulūk) / 1
JC393.A3 J6614 1995 Le métier de roi = De institutione regia / 1
JC393.A3 J663 1990z The secreto de los secretos a Castilian version : a critical edition / 1
JC393.A3 .M384 2015 Le Prince. 1
JC393.A3 M82 Lámpara de los príncipes / 1
JC393.A3 P5 Le livre du corps de policie / 1
JC393.A3 P513 1994 The book of the body politic / 1
JC393.A3 P513 1994eb The book of the body politic / 1
JC393.A3 P74 1982 Pseudo-Aristotle, the Secret of secrets : sources and influences / 1
JC393.A3 R6 Das fürstenbild in den mittelalterlichen fürstenspiegeln auf franzosischen boden 1
JC393.A3 S4313 1983 On Christian rulers, and the Poems / 2
JC393 .A54 2011 Education, civic virtue, and colonialism in fifteenth-century Italy : the Ogdoas of Alberto Alfieri / 1
JC393.B3 E4 1834i The book named the governour 1
JC393.B3 E49 1531 The boke named the gouernour 1